
TMDB Rating 6.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jun 21, 1975

Rating: 1975-06-21

Run Time: 12h 45m

Original Language: Turkish

Website: -

Production Countries: Turkey

Production Companies: TRT




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The film deals with the migration from the village to the city with a realistic narrative. The immigration phenomenon described in workers' hands in a factory refers to both the modernization process in the period and the unionization. Hacer emigrates to Istanbul with his father, two children and his wife. Her husband left her and she was a helpless. Hacer was influenced by the union of the working factory, who owns the crippled friends. Hacer thought very much about to traditions versus modernization. It is the last of the film of director Ömer Lütfi Akad's Bridal-Wedding-Recoup trilogy. And it is still the inaccessible film of Turkish cinema history with its movie theme, cast, and acting success.

Main Cast

Kadir Savun

Kadir Savun

Koca Ali

Age : 69 | Popularity : 29%

Aydemir Akbaş

Aydemir Akbaş

Hacı Memed

Age : N/A | Popularity : 33%

Mete Sezer

Mete Sezer


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Yılmaz Gruda

Yılmaz Gruda

Yaşlı Sipahi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Osman Çağlar

Osman Çağlar

Genç Sipahi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Mehmet Özekit

Mehmet Özekit

Subaşı Çavuşu

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Hakkı Kıvanç

Hakkı Kıvanç


Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Reşit Çıldam

Reşit Çıldam


Age : 70 | Popularity : 13%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Lütfi Akad
Lütfi Akad
Sound Music Arranger
Arif Erkin Güzelbeyoğlu
Arif Erkin Güzelbeyoğlu
Sound Director
Necip Sarıcıoğlu
Necip Sarıcıoğlu
Art Art Direction
Erol Keskin
Erol Keskin
Writing Novel
Ömer Seyfettin
Ömer Seyfettin
Lütfi Akad
Lütfi Akad
Camera Director of Photography
Gani Turanlı
Gani Turanlı
Department Role Name

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