
TMDB Rating 5.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Two stranger... One destination

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Oct 5, 2023

Rating: 2023-10-05

Run Time: 2h 36m

Original Language: Hindi

Website: -

Production Countries: India

Production Companies: Rajshri Productions , Jio Studios




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The film explores modern relationships and is set against the backdrop of a lavish destination wedding.

Main Cast

Rajveer Deol

Rajveer Deol


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Paloma Thakeria

Paloma Thakeria


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Kanikka Kapur

Kanikka Kapur


Age : 30 | Popularity : 37%

Manik Papneja

Manik Papneja

Gopal (Gappu)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Rohan Khurana

Rohan Khurana


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Aditya Nanda

Aditya Nanda


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Poojan Chhabra

Poojan Chhabra


Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%

Gurdeep Kohli

Gurdeep Kohli

Shilpa Kothari (Nikhil’s Mother)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 20%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Avnish S Barjatya
Avnish S Barjatya
Production Producer
Jyoti Deshpande
Jyoti Deshpande
Rajkumar Barjatya
Rajkumar Barjatya
Kamal Kumar Barjatya
Kamal Kumar Barjatya
Ajit Kumar Barjatya
Ajit Kumar Barjatya
Casting Director
Mukesh Chhabra
Mukesh Chhabra
Writing Creative Producer
Sooraj Barjatya
Sooraj Barjatya
Avnish S Barjatya
Avnish S Barjatya
Avnish S Barjatya
Avnish S Barjatya
Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
Avnish S Barjatya
Avnish S Barjatya
Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
Irshad Kamil
Irshad Kamil
Sound Sound Designer
Subash Sahoo
Subash Sahoo
Shankar Mahadevan
Shankar Mahadevan
Ehsaan Noorani
Ehsaan Noorani
Loy Mendonsa
Loy Mendonsa
Original Music Composer
George Joseph
George Joseph
Camera Director of Photography
Chirantan Das
Chirantan Das
Editing Editor
Shweta Venkat Mathew
Shweta Venkat Mathew
Crew Choreographer
Vijay Ganguly
Vijay Ganguly
Stunt Coordinator
Abbas Ali Moghul
Abbas Ali Moghul
Art Production Design
Sujeet Sawant
Sujeet Sawant
Sriram Iyengar
Sriram Iyengar
Creative Director
Surabhi Horo
Surabhi Horo
Costume & Make-Up Costume Designer
Terrence Lobo
Terrence Lobo
Visual Effects VFX Supervisor
Pankaj Kalbende
Pankaj Kalbende
Department Role Name

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