
TMDB Rating 2.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 3

Release Date: Nov 6, 2021

Rating: 2021-11-06

Run Time: 1h 04m

Original Language: langcode.xx

Website: Link

Production Countries: France , Japan

Production Companies: Yamamura Animation , Miyu Productions




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Where to watch Dozens of Norths

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Here, everything is The North. This is an account of the people I met in The North. However, my fragmented memory doesn't capture the essence at all.

Main Cast

No Cast Added For This Movie Yet.


Department Role Name
Sound Music
Willem Breuker
Willem Breuker
Sound Designer
Koji Kasamatsu
Koji Kasamatsu
Original Music Composer
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Directing Director
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Crew Creator
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Michael Lazari
Michael Lazari
Ilan Nguyên
Ilan Nguyên
Mitsuko Tanaka
Mitsuko Tanaka
Yumiko Ohshima
Yumiko Ohshima
Mariko Asai
Mariko Asai
Seiji Sekiguchi
Seiji Sekiguchi
Nicolás Guarín León
Nicolás Guarín León
Julia Ai Sai
Julia Ai Sai
Arjen Gorter
Arjen Gorter
Bernard Hunnekink
Bernard Hunnekink
Administrative Assistant
David Dos Santos
David Dos Santos
Visual Effects Animation
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Honami Yano
Honami Yano
Ayaka Nakata
Ayaka Nakata
Visual Effects
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Production Producer
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Emmanuel-Alain Raynal
Emmanuel-Alain Raynal
Pierre Baussaron
Pierre Baussaron
Production Manager
Pierre Boivin
Pierre Boivin
Production Assistant
Sanae Yamamura
Sanae Yamamura
Emilie Coppier
Emilie Coppier
Writing Screenplay
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Editing Editor
Koji Yamamura
Koji Yamamura
Department Role Name

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