Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: Meet Dr. Shagetz, a terrifying medical genius
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jan 1, 1975
Rating: 1975-01-01
Run Time: 1h 28m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries:
Production Companies:
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Where to watch Dr. Shagetz
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Passing through a small town, two young hippie couples stumble upon a town where the old folks all act strange and even stranger things are happening at the local clinic. Filming was completed in 1973 but this original version of the film was barely released two years later under several different titles. It was shot as God Bless Grandpa and Grandma but posters were made for the titles Dr. Shagetz and God Bless Dr. Shagetz, with the "Bless" crossed over and replaced with "Damn."
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Story |
Royce D. Applegate
Screenplay |
Larry Spiegel
Richard Benson
Production | Producer |
Peter S. Traynor
William D. Sklar
Directing | Director |
Peter S. Traynor
Larry Spiegel
Department | Role | Name |