
TMDB Rating 3.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Blood is thicker than water

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Mar 20, 2020

Rating: 2020-07-27

Run Time: 1h 19m

Original Language: Polish

Website: -

Production Countries: Poland

Production Companies: Munk Studio , Canal+ Polska , PISF




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In Poland, behind the gates of an exclusive housing estate, the life of its wealthy residents is regulated by an old code of honor, due to which the Kowalskis and the Nowaks have been embroiled in a bloody family feud for years.

Main Cast

Maja Pankiewicz

Maja Pankiewicz

Ewa Nowak

Age : 31 | Popularity : 5%

Paulina Krzyżańska

Paulina Krzyżańska

Klara Kowalska

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Marcin Czarnik

Marcin Czarnik

Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Anna Kłos

Anna Kłos

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Edyta Torhan

Edyta Torhan

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Bartłomiej Krat

Bartłomiej Krat

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Tomasz Sobczak

Tomasz Sobczak

Age : N/A | Popularity : 52%

Bruno Tomczyk

Bruno Tomczyk

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Piotr Adamski
Piotr Adamski
Assistant Director
Ernest Lorek
Ernest Lorek
Writing Screenplay
Piotr Adamski
Piotr Adamski
Michał Grochowiak
Michał Grochowiak
Production Producer
Jerzy Kapuściński
Jerzy Kapuściński
Production Manager
Daria Maślona
Daria Maślona
Production Director
Ewa Jastrzębska
Ewa Jastrzębska
Casting Director
Marta Kownacka
Marta Kownacka
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Tomasz Lewandowski
Tomasz Lewandowski
Police Consultant
Łukasz Wawer
Łukasz Wawer
Art Production Design
Ewa Solecka
Ewa Solecka
Agata Lepacka
Agata Lepacka
Costume & Make-Up Makeup Artist
Magdalena Kakietek
Magdalena Kakietek
Costume Designer
Sandra Kowalska
Sandra Kowalska
Editing Editor
Bartosz Pietras
Bartosz Pietras
Sound Original Music Composer
Hubert Zemler
Hubert Zemler
Marcin Kasiński
Marcin Kasiński
Jarosław Bajdowski
Jarosław Bajdowski
Kacper Habisiak
Kacper Habisiak
Camera Director of Photography
Bartosz Nalazek
Bartosz Nalazek
Department Role Name

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