

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Migrant Mexican workers in Canada

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Oct 18, 2003

Rating: 2003-10-18

Run Time: 12h 51m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries: Canada

Production Companies:




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This documentary from Min Sook Lee follows a poverty-stricken father from Central Mexico, along with several of his countrymen, as they make their annual migration to southern Ontario to pick tomatoes. For 8 months a year, the town's population absorbs 4,000 migrant workers who toil under conditions, and for wages, that no local would accept. Yet despite a fear of repercussions, the workers voice their desire for dignity and respect.

Main Cast

Maria del Mar

Maria del Mar


Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Min Sook Lee
Min Sook Lee
Camera Director of Photography
David Patrick
David Patrick
John Westheuser
John Westheuser
Additional Camera
Ali Kazimi
Ali Kazimi
Min Sook Lee
Min Sook Lee
Digital Imaging Technician
Douglas Crawford
Douglas Crawford
Production Producer
Karen King-Chigbo
Karen King-Chigbo
Silva Basmajian
Silva Basmajian
Executive Producer
Louise Lore
Louise Lore
Sylvia Sweeney
Sylvia Sweeney
Elizabeth Klinck
Elizabeth Klinck
Tonya Reid
Tonya Reid
Min Sook Lee
Min Sook Lee
Production Manager
Sarah Zammit
Sarah Zammit
Norah Wakula
Norah Wakula
Douglas MacFarlane
Douglas MacFarlane
Production Coordinator
Penny Kennedy
Penny Kennedy
Assistant Unit Manager
Joanne Forrest
Joanne Forrest
Unit Manager
Grazia Rade
Grazia Rade
Ida Di Fruscia
Ida Di Fruscia
Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson
Production Supervisor
Kemp Archibald
Kemp Archibald
Sound Original Music Composer
Edgardo Moreno
Edgardo Moreno
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Virginia Storey
Virginia Storey
Martin Lee
Martin Lee
Lou Solakofski
Lou Solakofski
Virginia Storey
Virginia Storey
Sound Designer
Steven Toepell
Steven Toepell
Sound Recordist
Sanjay Mehta
Sanjay Mehta
Darcy Kite
Darcy Kite
Additional Sound Re-Recordist
Don Grundsten
Don Grundsten
Mike Borlace
Mike Borlace
Benito Amaro
Benito Amaro
Dialogue Editor
Marvyn Dennis
Marvyn Dennis
Sound Supervisor
Marvyn Dennis
Marvyn Dennis
Edgardo Moreno
Edgardo Moreno
Foley Artist
Virginia Storey
Virginia Storey
Foley Recordist
John Bracco
John Bracco
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
Stacy Coutts
Stacy Coutts
Directing Director
Min Sook Lee
Min Sook Lee
Editing Editor
Katharine Asals
Katharine Asals
Online Editor
Dan Johnston
Dan Johnston
Debbie Gaysinsky
Debbie Gaysinsky
Assistant Editor
Catherine Scott
Catherine Scott
Crew Administrative Assistant
Nadine Simunic
Nadine Simunic
Lea Marin-Jara
Lea Marin-Jara
Andrea Feder
Andrea Feder
Sheila Gruner
Sheila Gruner
Maurice C. Behaine
Maurice C. Behaine
Orestes Robledo
Orestes Robledo
Pat Kerr
Pat Kerr
Jeannethe Lara
Jeannethe Lara
Jessica Farias
Jessica Farias
Beatriz Pizano
Beatriz Pizano
Enzo Moreno
Enzo Moreno
Alejandro Ronceria
Alejandro Ronceria
Jessica Farias
Jessica Farias
Department Role Name

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