Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 2
Release Date: Mar 29, 2023
Rating: 2023-03-29
Run Time: 12h 28m
Original Language: langcode.xx
Website: Link
Production Countries: Spain
Production Companies: Escac Films
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Where to watch The Source of a River, a Night Stream
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A woman slowly fades into darkness waiting to see her son one last time.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Assistant Director |
Dave Jackson
Camera | Director of Photography |
Nica Fazio
Iñaki González Ballell
Assistant Camera |
Guiu Gámiz
Ferran Hernández
Sebastían García
Still Photographer |
Héctor García Avilés
Digital Imaging Technician |
Guiu Gámiz
Camera Operator |
Guiu Gámiz
Focus Puller |
Guiu Gámiz
Art | Art Direction |
Andrea Capel
Prop Designer |
Christian Avilés
Art Department Assistant |
Bernat Portabella
Writing | Writer |
Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Sound | Sound Designer |
Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Sound Assistant |
Àngel Bañuelos
Production Sound Mixer |
Anna Lanau
David Liñán
Music |
Jaume Vilaseca
Music Sound Design and Processing |
Izar Invierno
Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Víctor Tort
Production | Producer |
Aleix Singla
Andrea Alonso
Casting Director |
Irene Albanell Mellado
Production Director |
Aleix Singla
Andrea Alonso
Production Assistant |
Andrea Larrea
Executive Producer |
Lita Roig
Production Coordinator |
Javier de la Llave
Post Production Coordinator |
Olga Doganoc
Andrea Allonca
Martina Sáez Savi
Administration |
Sonia Fresnillo
Director of Operations |
Jordi Bransuela
Costume & Make-Up | Wardrobe Supervisor |
Ricard Baldomà Larrosa
Editing | Editor |
Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Andreu Clar
Color Grading |
David Avecilla
Crew | Script |
Marco Muñoz de Carvalho
Information Systems Manager |
Pablo López
Thanks |
Familia Resel y Garcia
Familia Puy
Familia Casademont
Isabel Casademont
Dolors Casademont
Neus Casademont
Christian Avilés
Manuel G. Romero
Laura Sánchez Massaneda
Tios de Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Hermana de Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Padres de Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Primos de Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Mercè Puy
Jaume Vilaseca
Marina Whitehouse
Julieta Armadàs
Gerard Izquierdo
Anna del Campo
Amigas de Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Clàudia Clot
Iris Irish
Pau Botí
Joan Amores
Gianluca Ritucci
Diego Díaz Ávila
Anna Lanau
Izar Invierno
Jaume Cuspinera
Joaquin Faundez
David Camps
Xavier Sirés
Anita Ghimire
Miriam Asensio
Lighting | Gaffer |
Simón Gracia
Electrician |
Júlia González Vega
Joan Bustos
Julen Cabañero
Lluc Gimenez
Best Boy Electric |
Neus Pagès i Selga
Júlia Fernández
Visual Effects | Visual Effects Director |
Lionel Estivill
Visual Effects Coordinator |
Carlos Pulpón
Digital Compositor |
Marc Rider Martinez
Marc Fernandez
Ana Belén Agredano
Additional Visual Effects |
Javier Calvo de Cabrera
Manuel G. Romero
Department | Role | Name |