Revenue: $0
Budget: $20,000
Profit: - $-20,000
Movie Details
Tag Line: Resist or Die
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Jan 1, 2011
Rating: 2011-01-01
Run Time: 1h 55m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: Canada
Production Companies: SubMedia
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The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system - it seems to be coming apart already. But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future. Backed by Jensen's narrative, the film calls on us to act as if we truly love this land. The film trips along at a brisk pace, using music... Written by Franklin Lopez
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Franklin Lopez
Sound | Music |
Omar Torres
Maciej Mariusz Miskiewicz
Editing | Editor |
Franklin Lopez
Crew | Cinematography |
Franklin Lopez
Thanks |
Zoe Blunt
Derrick Jensen
Lierre Keith
Transcriptions |
Sabina Iseli-Otto
Production | Producer |
Franklin Lopez
Location Manager |
Dawn Paley
Production Assistant |
Dawn Paley
Carlos Melendres
Art | Graphic Designer |
Alex Balchie
Camera | Camera Production Assistant |
John Hamilton
Hank Testor
Department | Role | Name |