Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Apr 13, 2020
Rating: 2020-04-13
Run Time: 12h 58m
Original Language: Finnish
Website: -
Production Countries: Finland
Production Companies: YLE
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Where to watch Eurovision Diaries
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This documentary about fanatical Eurovision Song Contest fans was shot by the fans themselves. For the common people it's just a song contest, but the fans live ESC all year round, all around the world.
Department | Role | Name |
Editing | Editor |
Juri Hietala
Colorist |
Veikko Ruuskanen
Sound | Sound Designer |
Anssi Tamminen
Music |
Mikko Tamminen
Art | Graphic Designer |
Antti Kervinen
Milla Määttä
Directing | Director |
Pia Asikainen
Writing | Writer |
Pia Asikainen
Production | Associate Producer |
Pia Asikainen
Producer |
Sami Hahtala
Executive Producer |
Jasmiini Lappalainen
Marja Mäki-Reinikka
Crew | Thanks |
Kaisa Alenius
Miksu Behm
Harto Hänninen
Pia Ljungman
Anna Muurinen
Kaisa Pylkkänen
Mikko Silvennoinen
Tommy Vänskä
Camera | Camera Operator |
Pia Asikainen
Alexandru Badea
Miksu Behm
Clara Cabrera
Andy Carlisle
Omaly Darcia
James Habitan
Hassen Hnini
Anda Iordache
Tim Jumawan
Eeli Kettunen
Ella Kettunen
Sini Kivivuori
Erkki Kuronen
Eeva Latva
Alexandre Lopes
Đorđe Majstorovic
Nikita Markovskyi
Fatih Melek
Anna Muurinen
Aaron Paraiso
Mari Pasula
Ricky Paul
Heli Rantanen
Luis Roberto
Dora Royale
Maria Seppälä
Krista Siegfrids
Santiago Sosa
Dimitris Spirantis
Rune Nathaniel Stjerngaard
Nuutti Takkinen
Linn Thors
Grace Tucker
Osmar Valdebenito
Tamás Vamos
Ville Virtanen
Magdalena Wójcik-Gugulska
Department | Role | Name |