Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Oct 12, 2018
Rating: 2018-10-12
Run Time: 1h 35m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: Canada
Production Companies: Antica Productions
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"Secret Path” is the award winning multi-media project that seamlessly blends Gord Downie's poetry and music with Jeff Lemire's graphic novel. It tells the wrenching and all too common story of Chanie Wenjack, a 12-year-old boy who died in 1966 after running away from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School near Kenora, Ontario. Finding the Secret Path is an intimate concert film and documentary that captures Gord Downie, behind the scenes, as he prepares for an emotional and historic Secret Path performance, before the entire Wenjack family, at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto, interwoven with footage from the original animated film.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Mike Downie
Writing | Writer |
Mike Downie
Crew | Cinematography |
Matt Clayson
Editing | Editor |
John Watson
Department | Role | Name |