
MetaCritic Rating 57%
TMDB Rating 6.8
IMDB Rating 6.9
RottenTomatoes Rating 53%


Revenue: $482,361

Budget: $0

Profit: + $482,361

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Feb 13, 2004

Rating: 2004-02-13

Run Time: 1h 40m

Original Language: Italian

Website: -

Production Countries: Italy

Production Companies: Fandango , Medusa Film , MiC , Regione Lazio , BNL – Gruppo BNP Paribas , Strand Releasing , Medusa Cinematografica , Medusa Distribuzione , Medusa Video , Banca Antoniana Popolare Veneta , Agenzia 14




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Vittorio is looking for a woman who matches his ideal. Through a classified ad he meets Sonia, a sweet, pleasant, intelligent girl. However, she weighs 125 pounds -- which according to Vittorio is way too much. A goldsmith by trade, Vittorio is obsessed with the desire to shape Sonia's body and mind as does a fire with gold. Almost imperceptibly Sonia becomes a passive participant and the relationship grows into a reciprocal masochistic game. When the two lovers isolate themselves in a country house in the Veneto hills, they dangerously lose touch with reality and the rest of the world.

Main Cast

Vitaliano Trevisan

Vitaliano Trevisan


Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Michela Cescon

Michela Cescon


Age : 53 | Popularity : 30%

Roberto Comacchio

Roberto Comacchio

Sonia's Brother

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Alberto Rey

Alberto Rey


Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Paolo Capoduro

Paolo Capoduro


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Elvezia Allari

Elvezia Allari

Anna / Sonia's workmate

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Antonella Mazzuccato

Antonella Mazzuccato

Antonella / Sonia's workmate

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Gianluca Moretto

Gianluca Moretto

Mopi / Sonia's workmate

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Matteo Garrone
Matteo Garrone
Assistant Director
Gianni Di Gregorio
Gianni Di Gregorio
Maria Continella
Maria Continella
Writing Novel
Marco Mariolini
Marco Mariolini
Vitaliano Trevisan
Vitaliano Trevisan
Matteo Garrone
Matteo Garrone
Massimo Gaudioso
Massimo Gaudioso
Matteo Garrone
Matteo Garrone
Massimo Gaudioso
Massimo Gaudioso
Vitaliano Trevisan
Vitaliano Trevisan
Marco Mariolini
Marco Mariolini
Production Producer
Domenico Procacci
Domenico Procacci
Gianni Di Gregorio
Gianni Di Gregorio
Salvatore Sansone
Salvatore Sansone
Delegated Producer
Laura Paolucci
Laura Paolucci
Production Manager
Gianluca Chiaretti
Gianluca Chiaretti
Unit Manager
Valeria Licurgo
Valeria Licurgo
Assistant Unit Manager
Michela Rossi
Michela Rossi
Alessandro Sogliuzzo
Alessandro Sogliuzzo
Camera Director of Photography
Marco Onorato
Marco Onorato
Camera Operator
Matteo Garrone
Matteo Garrone
Editing Editor
Marco Spoletini
Marco Spoletini
Art Production Design
Paolo Bonfini
Paolo Bonfini
Sandro Bettin
Sandro Bettin
Art Department Coordinator
Matteo Garrone
Matteo Garrone
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Francesca Leondeff
Francesca Leondeff
Makeup Artist
Rudia Cascione
Rudia Cascione
Hair Supervisor
Silvia Polato
Silvia Polato
Assistant Costume Designer
Marzia Nardone
Marzia Nardone
Sound Sound
Maricetta Lombardo
Maricetta Lombardo
Crew Propmaker
Michele Meneghetti
Michele Meneghetti
Massimo Barillari
Massimo Barillari
Davide Giannetti
Davide Giannetti
Department Role Name

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