

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Mar 1, 2014

Rating: 2014-03-01

Run Time: 1h 35m

Original Language: Japanese

Website: Link

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Action - 'Testudon', one of the most famous foolish film festivals, made a foolish anthology film about 'Japan' with 26 directors. Naturally, the directors are also foolish enough, so that you might wonder if it is really about Japan or get headache at the screening.At least, some of the 26 various works will please you. It is inevitable that the theater room will be full of laughter, hand claps, roars or booings like 'Pay back the money!'. But we won't reimburse you! - Keisaku Kimura, Ryûki Kitaoka, Britani Sugawara

Main Cast

Keisaku Kimura

Keisaku Kimura

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Ryûki Kitaoka

Ryûki Kitaoka

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Britani Sugawara

Britani Sugawara

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Chung-Man Leung
Chung-Man Leung
Reo Anzai
Reo Anzai
Tatsuya Aoi
Tatsuya Aoi
Takashi Iitsuka
Takashi Iitsuka
Satoshi Imai
Satoshi Imai
Takeshi Imura
Takeshi Imura
Akira Ishida
Akira Ishida
Tomohiko Iwasaki
Tomohiko Iwasaki
Hiroyuki Keitora
Hiroyuki Keitora
Kazuki Kiyomoto
Kazuki Kiyomoto
Devi Kobayashi
Devi Kobayashi
Sung Hyun Min
Sung Hyun Min
Yuuki Mizuno
Yuuki Mizuno
Takeshi Nakazawa
Takeshi Nakazawa
Naniwa Tenkaku
Naniwa Tenkaku
Akira Nobi
Akira Nobi
Hajime Ohata
Hajime Ohata
Hideki Oka
Hideki Oka
Itami Rose
Itami Rose
Junki Sugishita
Junki Sugishita
Kiyotaka Taguchi
Kiyotaka Taguchi
Sen'ichi Tamura
Sen'ichi Tamura
Naoyuki Tomomatsu
Naoyuki Tomomatsu
Hikaru Tsukuda
Hikaru Tsukuda
Department Role Name

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