Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: In fiction I dare to be real
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jan 25, 2024
Rating: 2024-01-25
Run Time: 1h 37m
Original Language: Dutch
Website: -
Production Countries: Netherlands
Production Companies: HALAL
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In this electrifying journey filmmaker Vincent Boy Kars will try to understand in fiction how he became the person he is now, and who he wants to be in the future. The film challenges the very fabric of identity, eagerly pondering the possibilities of personal transformation. Can one truly break free from the weight of their own story?
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Vincent Boy Kars
Writing | Writer |
Jeroen Scholten van Aschat
Jolein Laarman
Vincent Boy Kars
Art | Production Design |
Rosie Stapel
Title Designer |
Yinchel Fyon Tang
Editing | Editor |
Albert Markus
Vincent Boy Kars
Color Grading |
Remi Lindenhovius
Camera | Director of Photography |
David Spaans
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design |
Jip Boxstart
Iris Amber Stenger
Sound | Sound Designer |
Evelien van der Molen
Sound |
Oliver Pattinama
Music |
Beau Zwart
Production | Line Producer |
Lotte Gerding
Producer |
Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen
Gijs Determeijer
Gijs Kerbosch
Department | Role | Name |