

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Dec 31, 2011

Rating: 2011-12-31

Run Time: 1h 27m

Original Language: Russian

Website: -

Production Countries: Russia

Production Companies:




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The film begins in the "monkey" district police Department of Moscow, where the detainee is delivered type of 60 years in a Bathrobe and Slippers. This homeless-looking character claims that he is Maxim Averin, who starred in the series "Glukhar" in the role of Sergei Glukharev. Who is this old man, and will the police find the real Maxim Averin? How and why are Denis Rozhkov, aka Antoshin, and Alexander Bobrov, aka Agapov, on the stage?

Main Cast

Maksim Averin

Maksim Averin

Age : N/A | Popularity : 43%

Denis Rozhkov

Denis Rozhkov

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Viktoriya Tarasova

Viktoriya Tarasova

Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Vladimir Feklenko

Vladimir Feklenko

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Aleksandr Bobrov

Aleksandr Bobrov

Age : 44 | Popularity : 11%

Konstantin Topolaga

Konstantin Topolaga

Age : 57 | Popularity : 27%

Galina Stakhanova

Galina Stakhanova

Age : 84 | Popularity : 11%

Sergey Druzyak

Sergey Druzyak

Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%


Department Role Name
Camera Camera Operator
Sergey Akopov
Sergey Akopov
Production Producer
Efim Lyubinskiy
Efim Lyubinskiy
Writing Scenario Writer
Ilya Kulikov
Ilya Kulikov
Directing Director
Igor Holodkov
Igor Holodkov
Sound Music
Aleksey Shelygin
Aleksey Shelygin
Department Role Name

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