
TMDB Rating 1


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 1

Release Date: Jan 1, 1996

Rating: 1996-01-01

Run Time: 12h 27m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Canada

Production Companies: ONF | NFB , Winnipeg Film Group , Finger In the Dyke Productions




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Good Citizen: Betty Baker is a tongue-in-cheek mystery, full of unexpected twists. It features Betty, a civic-minded housewife who inhabits a cartoonish, 2-D, 1950s-inspired world, replete with narrow-minded peril. The story begins when Prince Philip goes missing and Betty finds a clue that leads her on a thrilling chase from her neighbour’s trash, to a strangely exciting all-girls bar, to the local chapter of 100% Women. Accompanied by the musical stylings of Marilyn Lerner, this frolicking satire irreverently unravels right-wing family values.

Main Cast

Shawna Dempsey

Shawna Dempsey

Betty Baker

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Sharon Bajer

Sharon Bajer


Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%

Sarah Stanley

Sarah Stanley


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Lori Weidenhammer

Lori Weidenhammer

Guard McMahon

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Arne MacPherson

Arne MacPherson


Age : N/A | Popularity : 30%

Gene Pyrz

Gene Pyrz


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Mariam Bernstein

Mariam Bernstein

The Horned Goddess

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

David Warburton

David Warburton

The Pharaoh

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Lorri Millan
Lorri Millan
Shawna Dempsey
Shawna Dempsey
Assistant Director
Yvette Nolan
Yvette Nolan
Valerie Shantz
Valerie Shantz
Maria Popoff
Maria Popoff
Writing Writer
Lorri Millan
Lorri Millan
Shawna Dempsey
Shawna Dempsey
Script Consultant
Anna Marie Boquist
Anna Marie Boquist
Production Producer
Lorri Millan
Lorri Millan
Shawna Dempsey
Shawna Dempsey
Art Art Direction
Brad Harley
Brad Harley
Leida Englar
Leida Englar
Assistant Art Director
Noreen Stevens
Noreen Stevens
Debbie Patterson
Debbie Patterson
Title Designer
Noreen Stevens
Noreen Stevens
Location Scout
Grant Guy
Grant Guy
Leigh Konyk
Leigh Konyk
Kim Hamin
Kim Hamin
Camera Director of Photography
Charles Lavack
Charles Lavack
Assistant Camera
Catherine Kloczkowski
Catherine Kloczkowski
Still Photographer
Neil McInness
Neil McInness
Sheila Spence
Sheila Spence
Ernie Mayer
Ernie Mayer
Sound Music
Marilyn Lerner
Marilyn Lerner
Supervising Sound Editor
Ken Gregory
Ken Gregory
Dialogue Editor
Ken Gregory
Ken Gregory
Sound Mixer
Ken Gregory
Ken Gregory
Assistant Sound Editor
Etoile Stewart
Etoile Stewart
Marilyn Lerner
Marilyn Lerner
Tony DesMarteaux
Tony DesMarteaux
Gilles Fournier
Gilles Fournier
Adrian Peek
Adrian Peek
Lianne Fournier
Lianne Fournier
Karen Marklinger
Karen Marklinger
Sound Recordist
Lisa Graves
Lisa Graves
Editing Editor
Neila Benson
Neila Benson
Lorri Millan
Lorri Millan
Shawna Dempsey
Shawna Dempsey
Lead Editor
Noam Gonick
Noam Gonick
Lighting Lighting Director
Christy Wigston
Christy Wigston
Lighting Technician
Bob Burdey
Bob Burdey
Ron Hodgson
Ron Hodgson
Erla Anderson
Erla Anderson
John W. Schustyk
John W. Schustyk
Costume & Make-Up Makeup Artist
Christopher Hutchinson
Christopher Hutchinson
Makeup & Hair
Eve Rice
Eve Rice
Department Role Name

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