
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jul 1, 1984

Rating: 1984-07-01

Run Time: 1h 41m

Original Language: Czech

Website: -

Production Countries: Czechoslovakia

Production Companies: Filmové studio Barrandov




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A family purchases a home robot designed to look like a grandmum. Their neighbours immediately buy a more expensivve model as the two families always try to up the other one. Both grandmums start to "terorize" their families because they were set up to ensure the mums exercise, the kids study etc. Apart from that they start causing problems to the other family ... cut ropes with hanging clothes, pierced tires, etc. Once they get to killing each other family's pets the parents get really worried about the safety of their kids. The grannys later destroy each other while fighting and the families decide that they'll be better off without any robots. (It's some time since I saw this so the details may be off.) Mainly thanks to the design of the robots it's rather a comedy than a horror. Unless you are ten. And a rather good comedy!

Main Cast

Jiří Lábus

Jiří Lábus


Age : 75 | Popularity : 24%

Daniela Kolářová

Daniela Kolářová


Age : 78 | Popularity : 23%

Kateřina Urbancová

Kateřina Urbancová

Age : 49 | Popularity : 4%

Petr Frolík

Petr Frolík

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Libuše Havelková

Libuše Havelková


Age : 92 | Popularity : 13%

Jana Dítětová

Jana Dítětová


Age : 65 | Popularity : 12%

Antonín Hardt

Antonín Hardt

Age : 89 | Popularity : 19%

Marie Málková

Marie Málková

Age : 83 | Popularity : 6%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Ladislav Rychman
Ladislav Rychman
First Assistant Director
Bohumil Kouba
Bohumil Kouba
Assistant Director
Kryštof Hanzlík
Kryštof Hanzlík
Petr Slabý
Petr Slabý
Writing Creative Producer
Jiří Blažek
Jiří Blažek
Short Story
Zdeněk Hřebík
Zdeněk Hřebík
Zdeněk Hřebík
Zdeněk Hřebík
Jiří Just
Jiří Just
Ladislav Rychman
Ladislav Rychman
Jiří Just
Jiří Just
Ladislav Rychman
Ladislav Rychman
Crew Script
Corina Schlesingerová
Corina Schlesingerová
Vladimír Bor
Vladimír Bor
Stunt Double
Jaroslav Klenot
Jaroslav Klenot
Camera Director of Photography
Antonín Holub
Antonín Holub
Camera Operator
Pavel Dosoudil
Pavel Dosoudil
Assistant Camera
Roman Pavlíček
Roman Pavlíček
Clapper Loader
Irena Bočková
Irena Bočková
Still Photographer
Jindřich Panáček
Jindřich Panáček
Vladimír Souček
Vladimír Souček
Art Production Design
Oldřich Bosák
Oldřich Bosák
Assistant Production Design
Jan Zázvorka
Jan Zázvorka
Set Decoration
Jiří Rulík
Jiří Rulík
Ladislav Rada
Ladislav Rada
Ivo Černý
Ivo Černý
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Petr Diviš
Petr Diviš
Jana Ledecká
Jana Ledecká
Anna Blažková
Anna Blažková
Makeup & Hair
František Čížek
František Čížek
Alena Šedová
Alena Šedová
Miroslav Buhr
Miroslav Buhr
Editing Editor
Miroslav Hájek
Miroslav Hájek
Assistant Editor
Magda Hájková
Magda Hájková
Alena Chvojková
Alena Chvojková
Sound Sound
Milan Novotný
Milan Novotný
Original Music Composer
Petr Orm
Petr Orm
Pavel Orm
Pavel Orm
Production Production Manager
Ladislav Novotný
Ladislav Novotný
Unit Production Manager
Miroslav Dousek
Miroslav Dousek
Luboš Vála
Luboš Vála
Assistant Production Manager
Irena Koucká
Irena Koucká
Department Role Name

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