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Run Time: 12h 10m
Original Language: English
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Composer Nolan Stolz performs the 2020 “COVID” version of his composition Gravitation, an open instrumentation piece for any 5 to 8 performers. Instead of having several musicians unsafely “uncomfortably crowd around one another” on stage like in the original version, this “COVID” version was performed by a single musician overdubbing all of the parts. Stolz uses the medium of video to present his composition in a way impossible in live performance. This version includes two electric guitars, two bass guitars, three synthesizers, drum set, found objects/percussion (wood against wood, metal against metal, and wood against metal). Completed in 2021, it was recorded and filmed in Spartanburg, SC and Belle, MO during a summer 2020 artist residency at Osage Arts Community.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Nolan Stolz
Department | Role | Name |