Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 3
Release Date: Oct 22, 2002
Rating: 2002-10-22
Run Time: 12h 14m
Original Language: Norwegian
Website: -
Production Countries: Norway
Production Companies: Qvisten Animation , Norsk Filminstitutt
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Watch Guggen: The Big Cheese
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Guggen is not like the other rat-children. He hates the sewers and loves the fresh air on the roof, where he has emigrated. His mom is worried. What will become of this fresh-air-loving, guitar playing son of hers? She forces her husband, Roger Rotten to take Guggen on a father-and-son trip down the sewers to hunt for cheese. On their adventure they must conquer sewercats, gigantic spiders and alligators. At the end of the day, Roger must admit that he has learned as much of his son as Guggen of him.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Rasmus A. Sivertsen
Crew | Script |
Carl Georg Rødsten
Production | Producer |
Ove Heiborg
Visual Effects | Animation |
Olve Askim
Endre Skandfer
Bjarte Agdestein
Astrid A. Aakra
Morten Evjen
Virgilijus Sepetys
Sound | Music |
Sondre Lerche
Palace of Pleasure
Department | Role | Name |