
TMDB Rating 8.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 9

Release Date: Oct 19, 2018

Rating: 2021-12-10

Run Time: 1h 36m

Original Language: German

Website: Link

Production Countries: Austria

Production Companies: ORF




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Where to watch Hans Zimmer: World of Hans Zimmer - Hollywood in Vienna 2018

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Zimmer entered the world of film music in London during a long collaboration with famed composer and mentor Stanley Myers. He soon began to work on several successful solo projects‚ including the critically acclaimed A WORLD APART‚ and during these years Zimmer pioneered the use of combining old and new musical technologies. Today‚ this work has earned him the reputation of being the father of integrating the electronic musical world with traditional orchestral arrangements.

Main Cast

Hans Zimmer

Hans Zimmer


Age : N/A | Popularity : 98%

Martin Gellner

Martin Gellner

Self - Conductor

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Lisa Gerrard

Lisa Gerrard


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Valentina Naforniţă

Valentina Naforniţă


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Monika Ballwein

Monika Ballwein


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Aleksey Igudesman

Aleksey Igudesman

Self - Presenter

Age : 52 | Popularity : 13%

Rusanda Panfili

Rusanda Panfili


Age : 36 | Popularity : 14%

Eliane Correa

Eliane Correa


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Peter Rabinger
Peter Rabinger
Assistant Director
Pawel Markowicz
Pawel Markowicz
Production Co-Producer
Michael Lucien Balgavy
Michael Lucien Balgavy
Christian Pöttler
Christian Pöttler
Magdalena Herbst
Magdalena Herbst
Nikolaus Klingohr
Nikolaus Klingohr
Nils Klingohr
Nils Klingohr
Steven Kofsky
Steven Kofsky
Dieter Semmelmann
Dieter Semmelmann
Sandra Tomek
Sandra Tomek
Executive Producer
Christoph Scholz
Christoph Scholz
Supervising Producer
Peter Schöber
Peter Schöber
Production Manager
Martin Brandl
Martin Brandl
Philipp Consemüller
Philipp Consemüller
Nina Koller
Nina Koller
Sonja Mayer
Sonja Mayer
Production Assistant
Nina Scheriau
Nina Scheriau
Astrid Christine Tesar
Astrid Christine Tesar
Business Affairs Coordinator
Eva Schindlauer
Eva Schindlauer
Crew Commissioning Editor
Lisa Jeitler
Lisa Jeitler
Sound Music
Hans Zimmer
Hans Zimmer
Carsten Kümmel
Carsten Kümmel
Sound Mixer
Dietz Tinhof
Dietz Tinhof
Eliane Correa
Eliane Correa
Pedro Eustache
Pedro Eustache
Juan García-Herreros
Juan García-Herreros
Aleksey Igudesman
Aleksey Igudesman
Lucy Landymore
Lucy Landymore
Rusanda Panfili
Rusanda Panfili
Editing Editor
Sebastian Wuerger
Sebastian Wuerger
Project Manager
Kristina Höller
Kristina Höller
Oliver Rosenwald
Oliver Rosenwald
Color Grading
David Hughes
David Hughes
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Jürgen Christian Hoerl
Jürgen Christian Hoerl
Art Graphic Designer
Julia Nebauer
Julia Nebauer
Camera Steadicam Operator
Klaus Achter
Klaus Achter
Assistant Camera
Ingemar Arnold
Ingemar Arnold
Reinhard Lengauer
Reinhard Lengauer
Phillipp Timmelmayer
Phillipp Timmelmayer
Camera Operator
Ferdinand Cibulka
Ferdinand Cibulka
Michael Grössler
Michael Grössler
Christian Roth
Christian Roth
René Rothkopf
René Rothkopf
Gerhard Zahalka
Gerhard Zahalka
Focus Puller
Gerald Piesch
Gerald Piesch
Lighting Lighting Design
Andreas Kisters
Andreas Kisters
Norbert Wolfsberger
Norbert Wolfsberger
Lighting Technician
Florian Schmitt
Florian Schmitt
Department Role Name

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