

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jan 2, 2008

Rating: 2008-01-02

Run Time: 1h 28m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Puerto Rico

Production Companies: Producciones Rey Pascual , Amatista Films




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A few women arrive at an escort agency to choose the men who will accompany them at their events. They aren’t all there for the same reason. One of them mistakes the office for that of a gynaecologist, while two prostitutes seeking a change in profession want to learn how to be more refined and respectable. Others are indeed looking for an escort for events, where they must portray an image of personal success despite being single.

Main Cast

Leonardo Castro Sitiriche

Leonardo Castro Sitiriche


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Carmen Nydia Velázquez

Carmen Nydia Velázquez


Age : 77 | Popularity : 0%

Idalia Pérez Garay

Idalia Pérez Garay


Age : 77 | Popularity : 5%

Noelia Crespo

Noelia Crespo


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Magali Carrasquillo

Magali Carrasquillo


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Ineabelle Colón

Ineabelle Colón


Age : 74 | Popularity : 8%

Marian Pabón

Marian Pabón


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Rey Pascual

Rey Pascual

Sargento Toro

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Flora Pérez Garay
Flora Pérez Garay
Directing Director
Vicente Juarbe
Vicente Juarbe
Production Producer
Ileana Ciena
Ileana Ciena
Executive Producer
Israel Rodriguez Rosario
Israel Rodriguez Rosario
Rey Pascual
Rey Pascual
Flora Pérez Garay
Flora Pérez Garay
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Natalia Collazo
Natalia Collazo
Crew Cinematography
Pedro J. Villalón
Pedro J. Villalón
Editing Editor
Raúl Marchand Sánchez
Raúl Marchand Sánchez
Lighting Lighting Director
Josué Reyes
Josué Reyes
Sound Musician
Geronimo Mercado
Geronimo Mercado
Department Role Name

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