

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Oct 19, 2022

Rating: 2022-10-19

Run Time: 12h 15m

Original Language: Estonian

Website: -

Production Countries: Estonia

Production Companies: Nafta




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A dark comedy that tells the story of Heiki — a young man who dies during a party he’s hosting at the house of his recently passed grandfather and ends up in the Underworld where he must face the consequences of his death.

Main Cast

Ken Rüütel

Ken Rüütel


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Martin Veinmann

Martin Veinmann


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Jarmo Reha

Jarmo Reha


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Silva Pijon

Silva Pijon


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Mihkel Kallaste

Mihkel Kallaste


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Oskar Seeman

Oskar Seeman


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Katariina Aule
Katariina Aule
First Assistant Director
Matilde Matvere
Matilde Matvere
Second Assistant Director
Alesja Suzdaltseva
Alesja Suzdaltseva
Third Assistant Director
Serafima Kolodkina
Serafima Kolodkina
Writing Writer
Sven-Sander Paas
Sven-Sander Paas
Sound Sound Designer
Markus Andreas
Markus Andreas
Robert Nikolajev
Robert Nikolajev
Boom Operator
Joonas Taimla
Joonas Taimla
Foley Mixer
Joonas Taimla
Joonas Taimla
Sound Recordist
Leonid Bragin
Leonid Bragin
Foley Artist
Anna-Maria Jams
Anna-Maria Jams
Camera Steadicam Operator
Janar Volmer
Janar Volmer
Director of Photography
Martin Venela
Martin Venela
Production Producer
Andreas Kask
Andreas Kask
Silvia Lorenzi
Silvia Lorenzi
Editing Editor
Kaupo Muuli
Kaupo Muuli
Art Production Design
Kamilla Kase
Kamilla Kase
Art Direction
Janette Roopa
Janette Roopa
Art Department Assistant
Lennart Feldbach
Lennart Feldbach
Taavi Parek
Taavi Parek
Allar Sild
Allar Sild
Assistant Production Design
Kaia Tungal
Kaia Tungal
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Kreete Pillenberg
Kreete Pillenberg
Makeup Artist
Eliise Brigitta Mõisamaa
Eliise Brigitta Mõisamaa
Sanne Popovits
Sanne Popovits
Crew Special Effects
Sami Tammi
Sami Tammi
Visual Effects Visual Effects Supervisor
Hendrik Proosa
Hendrik Proosa
Lighting Gaffer
Andrus Ilp
Andrus Ilp
Department Role Name

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