

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Nov 3, 2006

Rating: 2006-11-03

Run Time: 1h 44m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Austria , France , Germany , Netherlands

Production Companies: ARTE , Films à Trois , AVRO , Ottonia Media GmbH , Oesterreichischer Rundfunk




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Where to watch Hitler's Museum

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One and a half years before the begin of the Second World War during the annexation of Austria in March of 1938, Hitler conceived the megalomaniac idea of creating the largest European art center in his home town of Linz. At the beginning of the war on the 1st of September 1939, not only did his armies advance but also his art thieves began to fan out in their great foray of art plundering; an expedition on a previously unheard of scale began. Not only did the task forces of diverse National Socialist organizations pillage the occupied countries; Nazi bigwigs like Goering also took whatever they felt was valuable. This documentary includes the long and eventful journey of an exceptional masterpiece of European art: the Ghent Altar, created by van Eyck.

Main Cast

David Ritchie

David Ritchie


Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%

Burkhard Asmuss

Burkhard Asmuss

Self – Historian

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Self (archive footage)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%

Hermann Göring

Hermann Göring

Self (archive footage)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Christiane Desroches Noblecourt

Christiane Desroches Noblecourt

Self – Curator of the Louvre

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Jan Lorenzen
Jan Lorenzen
Directing Director
Jan Lorenzen
Jan Lorenzen
Hannes Schuler
Hannes Schuler
Production Producer
Sascha Beier
Sascha Beier
Martin de la Fouchardière
Martin de la Fouchardière
Executive Producer
Katharina von Flotow
Katharina von Flotow
Emmanuel Laurent
Emmanuel Laurent
Sound Original Music Composer
Jean-Louis Pégorier
Jean-Louis Pégorier
Crew Cinematography
Étienne Carton de Grammont
Étienne Carton de Grammont
Editing Editor
Andrea Kuschel-Korzecka
Andrea Kuschel-Korzecka
Department Role Name

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