Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 10
Release Date: Apr 18, 1995
Rating: 1995-04-18
Run Time: 12h 47m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: MTV
People Rated This
Where to watch Hole: MTV Unplugged
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On February 14, 1995, Hole recorded a live acoustic performance in front of an audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City. Along with a string ensemble, The group played a mix of hits off "Live Through This," plus new material, covers by Duran Duran and Donovan, and unreleased Nirvana track "You Know You're Right."
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Sound | Sound Assistant |
Bryan Leskowicz
Victor Smith
Sound Engineer |
Tony Blanc
Levi Tecofski
Sound Mixer |
Pat McCarthy
Sound Post Production Coordinator |
John Alberts
Utility Sound |
Tom Carroll
Damien Tuffereau
Music Director |
Lewis Largent
Music Arranger |
Elli Cola
Music Supervisor |
Hal Willner
Recording Supervision |
John Harris
Sound Mix Technician |
Jebby Kritz
Jeremy Darby
Production | Production Accountant |
Kevin O'Donovan
Line Producer |
Audrey Johns
Associate Producer |
Jac Benson II
Post Production Coordinator |
Danielle Berardi
Production Assistant |
Travis Anderson
Fergal Gorman
Mark Brandstetter
James Johnston
Alex Macdowell
Alyssa English
Aimee Murdoch
Ryan Sweeten
Nikki Kreager
Anika Gibbons
Melissa Lewis
Production Manager |
Mike Davis
Greg Choa
Terry Clark
Clare Cavanaugh
Drana Prekelezaj
Executive Producer |
Carol Donovan
Producer |
Alex Coletti
Costume & Make-Up | Hairdresser |
Sandra Nasstrom
Makeup Artist |
Roz Music
Audrey DaCosta
Patricia Regan
Crew | Thanks |
Tony Dicioccio
Brian Cellar
Amy Finnerty
Roger Sadowsky
Anthony Tomasino
Sue Jacobs
David Vincent
Peter Baron
Eimear Bradbury
Jimmy Archer
Rosemary Carroll
Dick Boak
Mark Kates
Technical Supervisor |
Emmett Loughran
Video Assist Operator |
Matty Randazzo
Technical Advisor |
George Epley
Editing | Editor |
Jon Vessey
Online Editor |
Judy Minot
Christine Kapetanakis
Assistant Editor |
Lesli Lyon
Mark Feggins
Mike Aldana
Lighting | Gaffer |
Michael Callahan
Lighting Design |
Allen Branton
Lighting Director |
Tom Beck
Harry Sangmeister
Camera | Camera Technician |
Jack Roche
Camera Operator |
Jay Kulick
Mark Whitman
Charlie Huntley
Rob Balton
Jeff Muhlstock
Manny Rodriguez
Directing | Assistant Director |
Joe Pezzella
Stage Director |
Valdis Daukst
Tim Forbes
Director |
Milton Lage
Art | Production Design |
Tom McPhillips
Writing | Writer |
Jim Burns
Robert Small
Department | Role | Name |