
TMDB Rating 10


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 10

Release Date: Apr 18, 1995

Rating: 1995-04-18

Run Time: 12h 47m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: MTV




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Where to watch Hole: MTV Unplugged

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On February 14, 1995, Hole recorded a live acoustic performance in front of an audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City. Along with a string ensemble, The group played a mix of hits off "Live Through This," plus new material, covers by Duran Duran and Donovan, and unreleased Nirvana track "You Know You're Right."

Main Cast

Courtney Love

Courtney Love

Lead Vocals, Guitar

Age : 60 | Popularity : 71%

Eric Erlandson

Eric Erlandson


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Melissa Auf der Maur

Melissa Auf der Maur


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Patty Schemel

Patty Schemel


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Ralph Carney

Ralph Carney

Clarinet, Tuba

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Zeena Parkins

Zeena Parkins


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Erik Friedlander

Erik Friedlander


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Sound Sound Assistant
Bryan Leskowicz
Bryan Leskowicz
Victor Smith
Victor Smith
Sound Engineer
Tony Blanc
Tony Blanc
Levi Tecofski
Levi Tecofski
Sound Mixer
Pat McCarthy
Pat McCarthy
Sound Post Production Coordinator
John Alberts
John Alberts
Utility Sound
Tom Carroll
Tom Carroll
Damien Tuffereau
Damien Tuffereau
Music Director
Lewis Largent
Lewis Largent
Music Arranger
Elli Cola
Elli Cola
Music Supervisor
Hal Willner
Hal Willner
Recording Supervision
John Harris
John Harris
Sound Mix Technician
Jebby Kritz
Jebby Kritz
Jeremy Darby
Jeremy Darby
Production Production Accountant
Kevin O'Donovan
Kevin O'Donovan
Line Producer
Audrey Johns
Audrey Johns
Associate Producer
Jac Benson II
Jac Benson II
Post Production Coordinator
Danielle Berardi
Danielle Berardi
Production Assistant
Travis Anderson
Travis Anderson
Fergal Gorman
Fergal Gorman
Mark Brandstetter
Mark Brandstetter
James Johnston
James Johnston
Alex Macdowell
Alex Macdowell
Alyssa English
Alyssa English
Aimee Murdoch
Aimee Murdoch
Ryan Sweeten
Ryan Sweeten
Nikki Kreager
Nikki Kreager
Anika Gibbons
Anika Gibbons
Melissa Lewis
Melissa Lewis
Production Manager
Mike Davis
Mike Davis
Greg Choa
Greg Choa
Terry Clark
Terry Clark
Clare Cavanaugh
Clare Cavanaugh
Drana Prekelezaj
Drana Prekelezaj
Executive Producer
Carol Donovan
Carol Donovan
Alex Coletti
Alex Coletti
Costume & Make-Up Hairdresser
Sandra Nasstrom
Sandra Nasstrom
Makeup Artist
Roz Music
Roz Music
Audrey DaCosta
Audrey DaCosta
Patricia Regan
Patricia Regan
Crew Thanks
Tony Dicioccio
Tony Dicioccio
Brian Cellar
Brian Cellar
Amy Finnerty
Amy Finnerty
Roger Sadowsky
Roger Sadowsky
Anthony Tomasino
Anthony Tomasino
Sue Jacobs
Sue Jacobs
David Vincent
David Vincent
Peter Baron
Peter Baron
Eimear Bradbury
Eimear Bradbury
Jimmy Archer
Jimmy Archer
Rosemary Carroll
Rosemary Carroll
Dick Boak
Dick Boak
Mark Kates
Mark Kates
Technical Supervisor
Emmett Loughran
Emmett Loughran
Video Assist Operator
Matty Randazzo
Matty Randazzo
Technical Advisor
George Epley
George Epley
Editing Editor
Jon Vessey
Jon Vessey
Online Editor
Judy Minot
Judy Minot
Christine Kapetanakis
Christine Kapetanakis
Assistant Editor
Lesli Lyon
Lesli Lyon
Mark Feggins
Mark Feggins
Mike Aldana
Mike Aldana
Lighting Gaffer
Michael Callahan
Michael Callahan
Lighting Design
Allen Branton
Allen Branton
Lighting Director
Tom Beck
Tom Beck
Harry Sangmeister
Harry Sangmeister
Camera Camera Technician
Jack Roche
Jack Roche
Camera Operator
Jay Kulick
Jay Kulick
Mark Whitman
Mark Whitman
Charlie Huntley
Charlie Huntley
Rob Balton
Rob Balton
Jeff Muhlstock
Jeff Muhlstock
Manny Rodriguez
Manny Rodriguez
Directing Assistant Director
Joe Pezzella
Joe Pezzella
Stage Director
Valdis Daukst
Valdis Daukst
Tim Forbes
Tim Forbes
Milton Lage
Milton Lage
Art Production Design
Tom McPhillips
Tom McPhillips
Writing Writer
Jim Burns
Jim Burns
Robert Small
Robert Small
Department Role Name

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