
TMDB Rating 6.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jan 1, 1984

Rating: 1984-01-01

Run Time: 12h 10m

Original Language: Ukrainian

Website: -

Production Countries: Soviet Union

Production Companies: Kyivnaukfilm




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Petryk Pyatochkin goes to kindergarten and loves to play around. One day he counted elephants so that he could fall asleep with the other children during quiet time. And when he succeeded, Petryk got to Africa in an amazing kindergarten, where he had to take care of baby elephants, who did not miss the opportunity to have fun.

Main Cast

Nataliya Rozhkova

Nataliya Rozhkova


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Oleksandr Viken
Oleksandr Viken
Writing Writer
Natalia Huzieieva
Natalia Huzieieva
Oleksandr Vratariov
Oleksandr Vratariov
Script Editor
Svitlana Kutsenko
Svitlana Kutsenko
Camera Director of Photography
Anatolii Havrylov
Anatolii Havrylov
Sound Sound Director
Izrail Moizhes
Izrail Moizhes
Original Music Composer
Vladimir Bystryakov
Vladimir Bystryakov
Art Art Direction
Mykola Churylov
Mykola Churylov
Visual Effects Animation
Serguei Kouchnerov
Serguei Kouchnerov
Nina Churylova
Nina Churylova
Volodymyr Omelchuk
Volodymyr Omelchuk
Mykola Bondar
Mykola Bondar
Mykhailo Yaremko
Mykhailo Yaremko
Olena Kasavina
Olena Kasavina
Andrii Karbovnychyi
Andrii Karbovnychyi
Serhii Hizila
Serhii Hizila
Elvira Peretiatko
Elvira Peretiatko
N. Ustenko
N. Ustenko
Editing Editor
S. Vasylieva
S. Vasylieva
Production Head of Production
N. Lytvynenko
N. Lytvynenko
Department Role Name

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