
TMDB Rating 6.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Jul 26, 1995

Rating: 1995-07-26

Run Time: 12h 18m

Original Language: Ukrainian

Website: -

Production Countries: Ukraine

Production Companies: Ukranimafilm




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The final episode, released after the fall of the Soviet Union, features the Cossacks as the parents of an entire children’s hockey team. While hosting the Canadian hockey team, they have to thwart their former pirate enemies once again.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Eduard Kyrych
Eduard Kyrych
Script Editor
Svitlana Kutsenko
Svitlana Kutsenko
Directing Director
Tadeush Pavlenko
Tadeush Pavlenko
Volodymyr Dakhno
Volodymyr Dakhno
Art Art Direction
Eduard Kyrych
Eduard Kyrych
Sound Original Music Composer
Ihor Poklad
Ihor Poklad
Sound Director
Viktor Hruzdiev
Viktor Hruzdiev
Yurii Nechesa
Yurii Nechesa
Camera Director of Photography
Anatolii Havrylov
Anatolii Havrylov
Visual Effects Animation
Inna Borodaieva
Inna Borodaieva
Liudmyla Vozniuk
Liudmyla Vozniuk
Vitalii Vilenko
Vitalii Vilenko
Maryna Koroliova
Maryna Koroliova
Oleksandr Lavrov
Oleksandr Lavrov
Oleksii Holovanov
Oleksii Holovanov
M. Antypova
M. Antypova
Hennadii Letunovskyi
Hennadii Letunovskyi
Maryna Pashkovska
Maryna Pashkovska
Adolf Pedan
Adolf Pedan
Pavlo Prykhodko
Pavlo Prykhodko
Adrian Sakhaltuyev
Adrian Sakhaltuyev
Yevhen Syvokin
Yevhen Syvokin
Mykhailo Titov
Mykhailo Titov
Editing Editor
Lidiia Mokrousova
Lidiia Mokrousova
Production Head of Production
Viacheslav Kylynskyi
Viacheslav Kylynskyi
Department Role Name

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