
TMDB Rating 7.4


Revenue: $0

Budget: $1,441,048

Profit: - $-1,441,048

Movie Details

Tag Line: A Tale of Love and Revenge

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: May 14, 2009

Rating: 2009-05-26

Run Time: 2h 05m

Original Language: Arabic

Website: -

Production Countries: Egypt

Production Companies: جودنيوز فور فيلم اند ميوزيك




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After witnessing the murder of his father as a child, Ibrahim is drawn into the criminal underworld of Egypt. While making a name for himself with his best friend Ashri, he finds his high school sweetheart Houria and manages to rekindle their love, but paths intertwine with Abdel Malik Zarzor, the city's crime lord, who is connected somehow to Houria.

Main Cast

Ahmed El Sakka

Ahmed El Sakka

Ibrahim El Abyad

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Mahmoud Abdel Aziz

Mahmoud Abdel Aziz

Abdel Malik Zarzor

Age : 70 | Popularity : 24%

Hend Sabry

Hend Sabry


Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Amr Waked

Amr Waked


Age : N/A | Popularity : 36%

Khaled Kamal

Khaled Kamal

Garhy Zarzor

Age : N/A | Popularity : 45%

Mohamed Mamdouh

Mohamed Mamdouh

Abdo Zarzor

Age : N/A | Popularity : 33%

Sayed Ragab

Sayed Ragab

Serag Zarzor

Age : N/A | Popularity : 25%

Nedal Al Shafey

Nedal Al Shafey


Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Abbas Abu Elhassan
Abbas Abu Elhassan
Directing Director
Marwan Hamed
Marwan Hamed
Hossam Ali
Hossam Ali
Art Set Decoration
Onsi Abou Seif
Onsi Abou Seif
Editing Editorial Manager
Khaled Marei
Khaled Marei
Crew Cinematography
Sameh Selim
Sameh Selim
Youssef Labib
Youssef Labib
Costume & Make-Up Set Dressing Manager
Nahed Nasrallah
Nahed Nasrallah
Sound Original Music Composer
Hesham Nazih
Hesham Nazih
Production Executive Producer
Amr Al Saifi
Amr Al Saifi
Emad El-Den Adib
Emad El-Den Adib
Department Role Name

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