
TMDB Rating 5.1


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Aug 19, 2005

Rating: 2005-08-19

Run Time: 1h 22m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Mexico

Production Companies: Ánima Estudios , Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía




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Yxxxxx, an intergalactic parasite with delusions of grandeur and highly dangerous, who is confined in a mental space, has decided to force three other inmates, who are not exactly an example of prudence, to escape the mental asylum with him to involve them in their evil plans.

Main Cast

Eugenio Derbez

Eugenio Derbez

Yxxxxx (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 63%



Elisa Naranja (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Giovani Florido

Giovani Florido

Dante Naranja (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Luis Fernando Orozco

Luis Fernando Orozco

Rocco Naranja

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Jesús Barrero

Jesús Barrero


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Gabriel Covayassi

Gabriel Covayassi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Vadhir Derbez

Vadhir Derbez


Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Manuel Díaz Tufinio

Manuel Díaz Tufinio

Eddie Gris

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Isaac Sandoval
Isaac Sandoval
Alberto Mar
Alberto Mar
Writing Writer
Adolfo Martínez Vara
Adolfo Martínez Vara
Jose C. Garcia de Letona
Jose C. Garcia de Letona
Francisco Hirata
Francisco Hirata
Visual Effects Animation
Andrés Couturier
Andrés Couturier
Hector Amavizca
Hector Amavizca
Eric Cabello
Eric Cabello
Fernando Capuchino
Fernando Capuchino
Roberto Jaimes
Roberto Jaimes
Ricardo Lozano
Ricardo Lozano
Alberto Mar
Alberto Mar
Misael Núñez
Misael Núñez
Adrián Osorio
Adrián Osorio
Alejandro Ramirez
Alejandro Ramirez
Elizabeth Romo
Elizabeth Romo
Christian Salcido
Christian Salcido
Isaac Sandoval
Isaac Sandoval
Animation Supervisor
Oscar Hidalgo
Oscar Hidalgo
Animation Director
Ariel Orea
Ariel Orea
Production Producer
Fernando de Fuentes
Fernando de Fuentes
Executive Producer
Jose C. Garcia de Letona
Jose C. Garcia de Letona
Co-Executive Producer
Federico Unda
Federico Unda
Cynthia Alfonzo Lugo
Cynthia Alfonzo Lugo
Sound Music
Xavier Asali
Xavier Asali
Editing Editor
Alberto Rodríguez
Alberto Rodríguez
Digital Intermediate
Mike Villasana
Mike Villasana
Art Art Direction
Jorge Carrera Quiroz
Jorge Carrera Quiroz
Background Designer
Miriam Tellez
Miriam Tellez
Alberto Tejada
Alberto Tejada
Crew Special Effects
Arnold Abadie
Arnold Abadie
Charlie Iturriaga
Charlie Iturriaga
Adrián Osorio
Adrián Osorio
Department Role Name

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