
TMDB Rating 2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 2

Release Date: Sep 20, 2015

Rating: 2015-09-20

Run Time: 12h 27m

Original Language: Danish

Website: -

Production Countries: Denmark

Production Companies: Meta Film , Filmværkstedet



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A Dane, a Norwegian and a Swede on a deserted island. A young and insecure woman with a speaking disorder crosses the sea in an attempt to persuade and win back the man who broke her heart, despite the fact that he is hiding away on the island with a new and beautiful lover.

Main Cast

Iben Akerlie

Iben Akerlie


Age : 36 | Popularity : 18%

Sigurd Holmen le Dous

Sigurd Holmen le Dous


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Julia Ragnarsson

Julia Ragnarsson


Age : 32 | Popularity : 81%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Kasper Schlüter
Kasper Schlüter
Sigurd Kølster
Sigurd Kølster
Directing Director
Sigurd Kølster
Sigurd Kølster
Department Role Name

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