

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Dec 21, 1960

Rating: 1960-12-21

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: French

Website: -

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After an adventurous life, Patrick has settled in the Camargue and bought a manade where he raises bulls, while the "riziers" gradually invade and transform the land. On the very day the bulls are being branded, Patrick sees Robert, a long-lost comrade just out of prison. He takes him in and asks for nothing, despite the general hostility. In fact, Robert begins by poaching young Paco, son of the gardian-chef, by offering to rob a bank; then he covets his friend's almost-fiancée, Zeffa; finally, he organizes a devastating expedition against the rice farmers, in short, he behaves like a real "dog in a poke", sowing discord and brawl everywhere.

Main Cast

Eddie Constantine

Eddie Constantine


Age : 75 | Popularity : 49%

Raymond Pellegrin

Raymond Pellegrin


Age : 82 | Popularity : 42%

Marie Versini

Marie Versini


Age : 84 | Popularity : 29%

Georges Douking

Georges Douking

The old Manuel

Age : 85 | Popularity : 14%

Henri Cogan

Henri Cogan

A guardian

Age : 89 | Popularity : 18%

Pierre Clémenti

Pierre Clémenti


Age : 57 | Popularity : 32%



Age : N/A | Popularity : 44%

Henri Cogan

Henri Cogan

Age : 89 | Popularity : 18%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Yves Allégret
Yves Allégret
Writing Writer
Yves Allégret
Yves Allégret
Albert Vidalie
Albert Vidalie
Sound Music
Michel Legrand
Michel Legrand
Camera Director of Photography
Michel Kelber
Michel Kelber
Department Role Name

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