
TMDB Rating 6.3
IMDB Rating 6.8
RottenTomatoes Rating 60%


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Warning: The stunts in this movie were performed by professionals, so neither you or your dumb little buddies should attempt anything from this movie.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Apr 1, 2011

Rating: 2011-04-01

Run Time: 1h 25m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Paradise F.X. Corp. , Dickhouse Productions , Film Roman , MTV Films




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Johnny Knoxville of 'Jackass' releases unused material of stunts, tricks, antics and shenanigans shot during the production of 'Jackass 3D' that didn't make it into the film, as well as the hilarious outtakes.

Main Cast

Johnny Knoxville

Johnny Knoxville


Age : N/A | Popularity : 35%

Ryan Dunn

Ryan Dunn


Age : 34 | Popularity : 35%

Dave England

Dave England


Age : 55 | Popularity : 35%

Preston Lacy

Preston Lacy


Age : 55 | Popularity : 25%

Bam Margera

Bam Margera


Age : 45 | Popularity : 36%

Ehren McGhehey

Ehren McGhehey


Age : 48 | Popularity : 38%




Age : N/A | Popularity : 74%

Chris Pontius

Chris Pontius


Age : 50 | Popularity : 51%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Jeff Tremaine
Jeff Tremaine
Production Executive Producer
Derek Freda
Derek Freda
Trip Taylor
Trip Taylor
Associate Producer
Knate Gwaltney
Knate Gwaltney
Barry Owen Smoter
Barry Owen Smoter
Shanna Zablow Newton
Shanna Zablow Newton
Gregory J. Wolf
Gregory J. Wolf
Sean Oliver
Sean Oliver
Dimitry Elyashkevich
Dimitry Elyashkevich
Bam Margera
Bam Margera
Johnny Knoxville
Johnny Knoxville
Jeff Tremaine
Jeff Tremaine
Spike Jonze
Spike Jonze
Production Assistant
Douglas Banks
Douglas Banks
Sound Music
Plastic Bertrand
Plastic Bertrand
Original Music Composer
Sam Spiegel
Sam Spiegel
Crew Cinematography
Rick Kosick
Rick Kosick
Lance Bangs
Lance Bangs
Dimitry Elyashkevich
Dimitry Elyashkevich
Editing Editor
Seth Casriel
Seth Casriel
Matt Kosinski
Matt Kosinski
Matthew Probst
Matthew Probst
Art Production Design
J.P. Blackmon
J.P. Blackmon
Art Direction
Seth Meisterman
Seth Meisterman
Writing Writer
Bam Margera
Bam Margera
Chris Pontius
Chris Pontius
Ryan Dunn
Ryan Dunn
Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña
Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña
Preston Lacy
Preston Lacy
Ehren McGhehey
Ehren McGhehey
Dave England
Dave England
Spike Jonze
Spike Jonze
Loomis Fall
Loomis Fall
Barry Owen Smoter
Barry Owen Smoter
Jukka Hildén
Jukka Hildén
Jarno Laasala
Jarno Laasala
Jarppi Leppälä
Jarppi Leppälä
Hannu-Pekka Parviainen
Hannu-Pekka Parviainen
Mike Kassak
Mike Kassak
Madison Clapp
Madison Clapp
Knate Gwaltney
Knate Gwaltney
Derek Freda
Derek Freda
Trip Taylor
Trip Taylor
Sean Cliver
Sean Cliver
Dimitry Elyashkevich
Dimitry Elyashkevich
J.P. Blackmon
J.P. Blackmon
Rick Kosick
Rick Kosick
Lance Bangs
Lance Bangs
Greg Iguchi
Greg Iguchi
David Weathers
David Weathers
Jeff Tremaine
Jeff Tremaine
Johnny Knoxville
Johnny Knoxville
Department Role Name

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