Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 10
Release Date: Jul 4, 1974
Rating: 1974-07-04
Run Time: 1h 36m
Original Language: French
Website: -
Production Countries: France
Production Companies: Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française
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Watch Jacques Lacan: La Psychanalyse 1 & 2
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In "psychanalyse", a two part documentary, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan answers to questions submitted by his son-in-law Jacques-Alain Miller under the direction of Benoit Jacquot. The Office de Radiodiffusion Television Francaise (ORTF, the french public TV) broadcast this program. This documentary and its text became famous because this is the only televisual experience practiced by Lacan. A fair amount is made of the fact that Lacan was renowned for his powers of seduction and what effect this had on transference in the clinical setting. According to some of the interviewees, he could be irresistibly seductive, so much so that some thought him "monster".
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Benoît Jacquot
Writing | Writer |
Jacques Lacan
Benoît Jacquot
Department | Role | Name |