
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Sep 29, 1967

Rating: 1967-09-29

Run Time: 1h 31m

Original Language: Czech

Website: -

Production Countries: Czechoslovakia

Production Companies: Filmové studio Barrandov




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The exemplary accountant Antonín Safránek lives his orderly life as a citizen of a small town. His wife Eliska brings up their three children and desperately tries to get by on her husband's low salary every month. At the same time, she sadly watches the luxurious life of their neighbor and other people like him who have no qualms about improving their standard of living by cheating. One day, the infallible Safránek makes a mistake in the cash clearance and there are nine one-hundred Crown bills left in the safe. An unexpected company control carried out the next day passes without problems and the account is closed. The temptation is too strong. The insufficient control enables Safránek to gradually steal one million Crowns.

Main Cast

Rudolf Hrušínský

Rudolf Hrušínský


Age : 73 | Popularity : 14%

Slávka Budínová

Slávka Budínová


Age : 78 | Popularity : 20%

Ivan Vyskočil

Ivan Vyskočil


Age : 78 | Popularity : 17%

Jitka Zelenohorská

Jitka Zelenohorská


Age : 78 | Popularity : 19%

Josef Herčík

Josef Herčík


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Čestmír Řanda

Čestmír Řanda


Age : 62 | Popularity : 21%

Svatopluk Beneš

Svatopluk Beneš


Age : 89 | Popularity : 16%

Libuše Švormová

Libuše Švormová


Age : 89 | Popularity : 12%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Jaroslav Balík
Jaroslav Balík
First Assistant Director
Jiří Hartman
Jiří Hartman
Assistant Director
Marta Křesinová
Marta Křesinová
Dagmar Štursová
Dagmar Štursová
Writing Screenplay
Jaroslav Balík
Jaroslav Balík
Jan Otčenášek
Jan Otčenášek
Jan Otčenášek
Jan Otčenášek
Jaroslav Balík
Jaroslav Balík
Creative Producer
Ladislav Fikar
Ladislav Fikar
Crew Dramaturgy
Jan Libora
Jan Libora
Zdeněk Bláha
Zdeněk Bláha
Josef Koníček
Josef Koníček
Camera Director of Photography
Josef Hanuš
Josef Hanuš
Camera Operator
Ladislav Chroust
Ladislav Chroust
Josef Pechar
Josef Pechar
Assistant Camera
Jiří Kučera
Jiří Kučera
Bohumil Paris
Bohumil Paris
Art Production Design
Bohuslav Kulič
Bohuslav Kulič
Set Decoration
Vladimír Ježek
Vladimír Ježek
Karel Kracík
Karel Kracík
Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Zdena Kadrnožková
Zdena Kadrnožková
Miloslava Skořepová
Miloslava Skořepová
František Kauler
František Kauler
Makeup & Hair
František Čížek
František Čížek
Ivana Mesteková
Ivana Mesteková
František Pilný
František Pilný
Editing Editor
Jiřina Lukešová
Jiřina Lukešová
Sound Sound
Roman Hloch
Roman Hloch
Original Music Composer
Karel Mareš
Karel Mareš
Štěpán Koníček
Štěpán Koníček
Production Production Manager
František Sandr
František Sandr
Unit Production Manager
Věra Winkelhöferová
Věra Winkelhöferová
Blažej Vráb
Blažej Vráb
Assistant Production Manager
Zora Rumlová
Zora Rumlová
Executive Producer
Bohumil Šmída
Bohumil Šmída
Department Role Name

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