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Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
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Rating: N/A
Run Time: 12h 00m
Original Language: Arabic
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During the excavations to build the subway came out of the underground Juha and his donkey buried from the Abbasid era, and Arbk exit the traffic was arrested Juha (Smirganm) and donkey, and the committees met to decide the fate of the famous historical figure, whether to be presented to the public tickets, or a special museum, And the owner of the zoo (Gharib Mahmoud) put Juha in the house of the elephant where the wife of the elephant who died and elephant Maayrvsh, because Mahesh told him. But with the help of the corrupt lawyer (Ahmed Ratib), Najwa was able to falsify the papers and documents proving that Najwa is the granddaughter of Juha and that she has the right to receive him. He is transferred by court from the public sector to the private sector.