Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: They could not help themselves. It is their nature.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Dec 27, 2018
Rating: 2019-03-03
Run Time: 1h 35m
Original Language: Spanish
Website: -
Production Countries: Dominican Republic , Spain
Production Companies: Alberto PC , Producciones Linea Espiral , Metadata DIT & Post House , Albero Producciones
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Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Production Assistant |
Sheila Rodriguez
Eduardo Garteizgogeascoa Suñer
Reyna Mendoza
Edy Karge
Ricardo Soto
Casting |
Leticia Brea
Trini Solano
Production Coordinator |
Natacha Rojas
Paloma Tejero
Production Accountant |
Gilberto Morillo
Ruth Chevalier
Location Manager |
Pablo Cavallo
Casting Assistant |
Jeremy Collado
Casting Director |
Iván Armesto
Producer |
Leticia Tonos
Juan Carlos Gómez
Alberto Esteban
Extras Casting Coordinator |
Yasiris Báez
Writing | Writer |
Leticia Tonos
Sound | Boom Operator |
Jorge Castillo Ballesteros
Dialogue Editor |
Sarah Tejada
Sound |
Antonio «Mármol» Rodríguez
Directing | Second Assistant Director |
Alessia Seravalle
Luis M. Cordero
Sheryll Reyes Cordero
First Assistant Director |
José Gómez De Vargas
Script Supervisor |
Leticia Rojas
Director |
Leticia Tonos
Editing | Editor |
Teresa Font
Assistant Editor |
Jimena Valero
Colorist |
Ernesto Maxwell
Art | Assistant Art Director |
Mercy Ramos
Art Department Coordinator |
Nicole Hernández Alvarado
Set Dresser |
Patricia Duarte
Property Master |
Elvis Mariñez
Crew | Transportation Coordinator |
Luis Martin Duquela
Video Assist Operator |
Roberto López Carneiro
Cinematography |
Luis Enrique Carrión
Thanks |
Jose Delio Ares Garcia
Costume & Make-Up | Wardrobe Assistant |
Carolina Liberato
Costume Supervisor |
Alba Bobea
Makeup Artist |
Sylvie Imbert
Katherine Feliz
Set Costumer |
Juanlu Peinado
Costume Design |
Ferdinando Erbetti
Lighting | Gaffer |
Nelson Rojas
Electrician |
Jesbet Pérez
Camera | Digital Imaging Technician |
Javier Calvo
First Assistant Camera |
Miriam Ouchi
Focus Puller |
Rony Carvajal
Data Wrangler |
Tery Sanmaray
Camera Operator |
Freddy Vásquez
Frank Morgado
Second Assistant Camera |
Gregorio Marine
Department | Role | Name |
Where to watch Juanita
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