

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Dec 1, 2014

Rating: 2014-12-01

Run Time: 2h 00m

Original Language: Japanese

Website: Link

Production Countries: Japan

Production Companies: TELEPACK , TBS




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Where to watch Justice is Blind: The Moving Tale of a Vision-Impaired Lawyer

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Based on the writings of a true life, vision-impaired lawyer comes a story about a blind man who manages to pass the extremely difficult bar exam and earn his lawyer’s license. Long desiring to help the weak, Kensuke Okochi gets a job at an attorney’s office while he and his wife, also blind, look forward to their first child. When a plaintiff in a divorce case decides to withdraw from litigation, Kensuke worries at first that it has to do with his own perceived inadequacies as a lawyer, but a few days later, he is visited by the female plaintiff, Satomi, showing injuries to her body. While it appears an open and shut case of domestic violence with an audio recording as proof, Kensuke detects a “certain scent” coming from the plaintiff which gives him pause as to her real intentions.

Main Cast

Tori Matsuzaka

Tori Matsuzaka

Kensuke Okochi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 81%

Nao Minamisawa

Nao Minamisawa

Natsumi Okochi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Mari Hoshino

Mari Hoshino

Satomi Ando

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Taiga Nakano

Taiga Nakano

Masaki Yamanishi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 39%

Jiro Sato

Jiro Sato

Isao Yamaoka

Age : N/A | Popularity : 28%

Hidekazu Mashima

Hidekazu Mashima

Kazuya Ando

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Kei Yamamoto

Kei Yamamoto

Kenji Minagawa

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Shigeru Izumiya

Shigeru Izumiya

Toyoshige Shimura

Age : N/A | Popularity : 47%


Department Role Name
Production Producer
Jun Kurosawa
Jun Kurosawa
Directing Director
Kosuke Suzuki
Kosuke Suzuki
Writing Screenplay
Masaya Ozaki
Masaya Ozaki
Original Story
Makoto Oogoda
Makoto Oogoda
Lighting Lighting Technician
Yuya Sasaki
Yuya Sasaki
Editing Editor
Hiroaki Itabe
Hiroaki Itabe
Department Role Name

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