Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 10
Release Date: Oct 18, 1981
Rating: 1981-10-18
Run Time: 2h 02m
Original Language: Bulgarian
Website: -
Production Countries: Bulgaria
Production Companies: Tvorcheski kolektiv ''Sredets'' , Studiya za igralni filmi ''Boyana'' , Kinostudiya na Narodnata armiya
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Where to watch Khan Asparukh - Part III - Land Forever
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The last part of the epic "Khan Asparukh" - "Land Forever" is an impressive finish to scale narrative, created for the nationwide celebration of 13 century anniversary of the Bulgarian state. The authors collected in final chord all storylines, culminating in the political strengthening of the young Bulgarian state. In the center of the film epic again is the image of Khan Asparukh - a lofty romantic hero who embodies the virtues and energy of his people.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Ludmil Staikov
Writing | Writer |
Vera Mutafchieva
Department | Role | Name |