
MetaCritic Rating 53%
TMDB Rating 6.5
IMDB Rating 6.5
RottenTomatoes Rating 57%


Revenue: $2,019,069

Budget: $0

Profit: + $2,019,069

Movie Details

Tag Line: A memorable, surreal and bizarre comedy in the best Almódovar style!

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Oct 29, 1993

Rating: 1994-05-06

Run Time: 1h 57m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Spain , France

Production Companies: El Deseo , CiBy 2000




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When American author Nicholas brings in a cosmetologist named Kika to prepare the corpse of his recently deceased son, she inadvertently revives the young man, then falls in love with him. Forces conspire against the couple, though, as Nicholas wants Kika for himself.

Main Cast

Verónica Forqué

Verónica Forqué


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Victoria Abril

Victoria Abril

Andrea Caracortada

Age : N/A | Popularity : 65%

Peter Coyote

Peter Coyote

Nicholas Pierce

Age : N/A | Popularity : 63%

Rossy de Palma

Rossy de Palma


Age : N/A | Popularity : 61%

Àlex Casanovas

Àlex Casanovas


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Santiago Lajusticia

Santiago Lajusticia


Age : N/A | Popularity : 20%

Bibiana Fernández

Bibiana Fernández


Age : 71 | Popularity : 54%

Anabel Alonso

Anabel Alonso


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%


Department Role Name
Production Executive Producer
Agustín Almodóvar
Agustín Almodóvar
Directing Director
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Assistant Director
Raúl de la Morena
Raúl de la Morena
Second Assistant Director
Sergio Francisco
Sergio Francisco
Second Second Assistant Director
Susana González
Susana González
Assistant Director Trainee
Ramón Saralegui
Ramón Saralegui
Writing Screenplay
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Editing Editor
José Salcedo
José Salcedo
Assistant Editor
Manuel Laguna
Manuel Laguna
Rosa Ortiz
Rosa Ortiz
Camera Director of Photography
Alfredo Mayo
Alfredo Mayo
Costume & Make-Up Costume Designer
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace
Costume Design
Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace
José María de Cossío
José María de Cossío
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Hair Designer
Antoñita viuda de Ruiz
Antoñita viuda de Ruiz
Assistant Makeup Artist
Ana Lozano
Ana Lozano
Jesús Moncusi
Jesús Moncusi
Makeup Artist
Gregorio Ros
Gregorio Ros
Susana Sánchez
Susana Sánchez
Art Set Decoration
Alain Baineé
Alain Baineé
Javier Fernández
Javier Fernández
Assistant Set Dresser
Francisco Escribano
Francisco Escribano
Set Dresser
Federico García Cambero
Federico García Cambero
Juan Ignacio Viñuales
Juan Ignacio Viñuales
Sound Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Graham V. Hartstone
Graham V. Hartstone
Sound Mixer
Nicolas Le Messurier
Nicolas Le Messurier
Jean-Paul Mugel
Jean-Paul Mugel
Crew Special Effects Technician
Jean-Baptiste Bonetto
Jean-Baptiste Bonetto
Yves Domenjoud
Yves Domenjoud
Olivier Gleyze
Olivier Gleyze
Special Effects Assistant
Lucas Klingenberg
Lucas Klingenberg
Visual Effects Visual Effects
Silvia Cerrada
Silvia Cerrada
Department Role Name

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