
TMDB Rating 6.7
IMDB Rating 7.1


Revenue: $13,969,785

Budget: $2,300,000

Profit: + $11,669,785

Movie Details

Tag Line: Bon appétit!

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: May 1, 2014

Rating: 2014-05-05

Run Time: 1h 46m

Original Language: Russian

Website: -

Production Countries: Russia

Production Companies: Central Partnership , Yellow, Black & White




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A restaurant in Moscow is forced to shut shop after they end up ruining a crucial political dinner involving the president. The entire team then decides to relocate to Paris to redeem themselves.

Main Cast

Dmitri Nazarov

Dmitri Nazarov

Viktor Barinov

Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%

Mark Bogatyrev

Mark Bogatyrev

Maksim Lavrov

Age : N/A | Popularity : 31%

Elena Podkaminskaya

Elena Podkaminskaya

Viktoriya Goncharova

Age : N/A | Popularity : 29%

Dmitriy Nagiev

Dmitriy Nagiev

Dmitriy Nagiev

Age : N/A | Popularity : 27%

Mikhail Tarabukin

Mikhail Tarabukin

Fedya Yurchenko

Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Viktor Horinyak

Viktor Horinyak

Kostya Anisimov

Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Sergey Lavygin

Sergey Lavygin

Senya Chuganin

Age : 44 | Popularity : 55%

Sergey Epishev

Sergey Epishev

Lev Solovyov

Age : N/A | Popularity : 44%


Department Role Name
Production Producer
Dmitriy Dyachenko
Dmitriy Dyachenko
Alexandr Rubtsov
Alexandr Rubtsov
Igor Poptsov
Igor Poptsov
Vitaly Shlyappo
Vitaly Shlyappo
Denis Zhalinsky
Denis Zhalinsky
Eduard Iloyan
Eduard Iloyan
Alexey Trotsyuk
Alexey Trotsyuk
Executive Producer
Aleksey Andrianov
Aleksey Andrianov
Casting Director
Tatyana Khrechkova
Tatyana Khrechkova
Sylvie Brocheré
Sylvie Brocheré
Writing Writer
Pavel Danilov
Pavel Danilov
Vitaly Shlyappo
Vitaly Shlyappo
Vasily Kutsenko
Vasily Kutsenko
Igor Tudvasev
Igor Tudvasev
Dmitry Yan
Dmitry Yan
Sound Music
Ivan Kanaev
Ivan Kanaev
Anton Silaev
Anton Silaev
Aleksey Massalitinov
Aleksey Massalitinov
Sound Director
Dmitriy Kasyan
Dmitriy Kasyan
Music Producer
Igor Poptsov
Igor Poptsov
Art Production Design
Grigory Pushkin
Grigory Pushkin
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Gelena Martemyanova
Gelena Martemyanova
Christel Birot
Christel Birot
Makeup Artist
Olga Afinogenova
Olga Afinogenova
Florence Batteault
Florence Batteault
Editing Editor
Mariya Likhacheva
Mariya Likhacheva
Maksim Polinsky
Maksim Polinsky
Nikolay Bulygin
Nikolay Bulygin
Directing Director
Dmitriy Dyachenko
Dmitriy Dyachenko
Assistant Director
Anna Golikova
Anna Golikova
Igor Andreichuk
Igor Andreichuk
Frédérique Juhel
Frédérique Juhel
Camera Additional Director of Photography
Evgeny Muratov
Evgeny Muratov
Director of Photography
Sergey Dyshuk
Sergey Dyshuk
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Sergey Vorobyov
Sergey Vorobyov
Department Role Name

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