

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: May 24, 1985

Rating: 1985-05-24

Run Time: 1h 45m

Original Language: German

Website: -

Production Countries: Germany

Production Companies: Frank Röth Filmproduktion




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Set in the fast and loose ambience of 1947 in West Germany, this story is about Hans Kolp, an inventive, teenage urban con artist who takes advantage of an out-of-control black market where almost any Allied goods can be stolen and traded for a tidy profit. Hans learns to speak good English from an American soldier friend, and bored with school -- which is nothing more than a big room in the railroad station with only one teacher to mind all levels of students -- the enterprising Hans starts a gang of petty thieves. Armed with a stolen jeep, the youngsters deal successfully in stolen goods, with Hans doing a good impression of a G.I. Business is so good, in fact, that when someone arrives to encourage Hans to get into the big-time with stolen vehicles and U.S. Army uniforms, the first crisis comes up in the small gang. Members want to back away from that level of dangerous dealing, but Hans wants to go for broke -- a difficult decision that will determine the young con's future.

Main Cast

Frank Röth

Frank Röth

Hans Kolp

Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%

Ottfried Fischer

Ottfried Fischer


Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Katja Flint

Katja Flint


Age : 65 | Popularity : 42%

Heiner Lauterbach

Heiner Lauterbach


Age : N/A | Popularity : 27%

Hans-Joachim Grau

Hans-Joachim Grau


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Charles M. Huber

Charles M. Huber


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Barbara Weinzierl

Barbara Weinzierl


Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Roland Suso Richter
Roland Suso Richter
Writing Screenplay
Roland Suso Richter
Roland Suso Richter
Frank Röth
Frank Röth
Production Producer
Roland Suso Richter
Roland Suso Richter
Camera Director of Photography
Ernst Kubitza
Ernst Kubitza
Editing Editor
Roland Suso Richter
Roland Suso Richter
Rainer Standke
Rainer Standke
Sound Original Music Composer
Frank Röth
Frank Röth
Roland Suso Richter
Roland Suso Richter
Department Role Name

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