
TMDB Rating 5.5
IMDB Rating 8.6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jun 9, 2009

Rating: 2009-06-09

Run Time: 2h 03m

Original Language: Tamil

Website: -

Production Countries: India

Production Companies: NVIZ Entertainment , Mayajaal Entertainment




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Surya is the son of a local don, and studies at the Chengalpet Matriculation School. His mother who is separated from her criminal husband wants him to grow up as a model citizen. Surya who is attached to his mother gives a promise that he will not take the path to violence again, and is admitted to the up market Lake View School in Ooty, described by its principal as the "Best School in south Asia". Surya is looked down by his snooty seniors led by Rohit and his gang. The only person who stands with him is Babloo, and the principal's daughter Tanya who has a soft corner for him. Under extreme provocation, Surya keeps his cool as he tries to live up to his mother's expectations. However he breaks down after Babloo is murdered, and goes on a revenge spree. The film ends on a tragic note, as the message of the film is conveyed.

Main Cast




Age : 35 | Popularity : 4%

Riya Bamniyal

Riya Bamniyal


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Thalaivasal Vijay

Thalaivasal Vijay


Age : N/A | Popularity : 75%

Adithya Menon

Adithya Menon

Surya's Father

Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Karthik Sabesh

Karthik Sabesh


Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Writing Screenplay
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Camera Director of Photography
Editing Editor
B. Lenin
B. Lenin
Sound Original Music Composer
Bobo Shashi
Bobo Shashi
Production Producer
Anita Udeep
Anita Udeep
Department Role Name

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