
TMDB Rating 4.9
IMDB Rating 6.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Nov 17, 1972

Rating: 1972-11-17

Run Time: 1h 36m

Original Language: Finnish

Website: -

Production Countries: Finland

Production Companies: Filmi-Ässä




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Valtteri and Sepe, two ordinary white-collar guys from southern Finland drive up north to implement a plan they've been hatching for months. Because they simply love the taste of lamb, baked "robber-style" in a hole dug under a campfire, they forge their car's number plates and other important documents just to be able to poach sheep grazing on the roadside without getting caught. Lots of man talk around the campfire, aided by lots of booze. The summer may be wet, but the vodka is definitely dry.

Main Cast

Heikki Kinnunen

Heikki Kinnunen


Age : 78 | Popularity : 15%

Leo Lastumäki

Leo Lastumäki


Age : 83 | Popularity : 5%

Pentti Auer

Pentti Auer

Humalainen soutaja

Age : 72 | Popularity : 8%

Elina Hoffrén

Elina Hoffrén

Suomun ravintolan kokki

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Rose-Marie Precht

Rose-Marie Precht

Suomun ravintolan hovimestari

Age : 62 | Popularity : 16%

Nadja Pyykkö

Nadja Pyykkö

Tarjoilija Kalajoella

Age : 60 | Popularity : 0%

Jukka Sipilä

Jukka Sipilä


Age : 68 | Popularity : 6%

Anita Sohlberg

Anita Sohlberg


Age : 83 | Popularity : 3%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Seppo Huunonen
Seppo Huunonen
Production Producer
Seppo Huunonen
Seppo Huunonen
Production Manager
Jaakko Talaskivi
Jaakko Talaskivi
Location Manager
Jaakko Talaskivi
Jaakko Talaskivi
Sound Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Tuomo Kattilakoski
Tuomo Kattilakoski
Production Sound Mixer
Paul Jyrälä
Paul Jyrälä
Pekka Lehto
Pekka Lehto
Original Music Composer
Paroni Paakkunainen
Paroni Paakkunainen
Writing Novel
Veikko Huovinen
Veikko Huovinen
Seppo Huunonen
Seppo Huunonen
Pekka Hakala
Pekka Hakala
Veikko Huovinen
Veikko Huovinen
Camera Director of Photography
Kari Sohlberg
Kari Sohlberg
Esko Jantunen
Esko Jantunen
Risto Inkinen
Risto Inkinen
Pentti Auer
Pentti Auer
Editing Editor
Erkki Seiro
Erkki Seiro
Art Production Design
Seppo Huunonen
Seppo Huunonen
Costume & Make-Up Makeup Artist
Nadja Pyykkö
Nadja Pyykkö
Department Role Name

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