
TMDB Rating 8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Jun 30, 2006

Rating: 2006-06-30

Run Time: 3h 14m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: France

Production Companies: StudioCanal




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Main Cast

Sandrine Alexi

Sandrine Alexi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Nicolas Canteloup

Nicolas Canteloup


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Daniel Herzog

Daniel Herzog


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Yves Lecoq

Yves Lecoq


Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%

Eric Aubrahn

Eric Aubrahn


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Benoît Allemane

Benoît Allemane


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Géraldine Asselin

Géraldine Asselin


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Véronique Augereau

Véronique Augereau


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%


Department Role Name
Writing Author
Lionel Dutemple
Lionel Dutemple
Bruno Gaccio
Bruno Gaccio
Ahmed Hamidi
Ahmed Hamidi
Julien Hervé
Julien Hervé
Yvan Longuet
Yvan Longuet
Laurent Vassilian
Laurent Vassilian
Ludovic Bruneau
Ludovic Bruneau
Directing Stage Director
Yves Le Rolland
Yves Le Rolland
Christophe Smith
Christophe Smith
Sylvain Fusée
Sylvain Fusée
Jean-Louis Cap
Jean-Louis Cap
Rebecca Dreymann
Rebecca Dreymann
Natacha Fitoussi
Natacha Fitoussi
Pascal Rétif
Pascal Rétif
Don Kent
Don Kent
Patrick Menais
Patrick Menais
Camera Director of Photography
Jacques Audrain
Jacques Audrain
Ali Saad
Ali Saad
Bertrand Martory
Bertrand Martory
Sophie Limeul
Sophie Limeul
Jean-Louis Rousseaux
Jean-Louis Rousseaux
Alain Masseron
Alain Masseron
François Plet
François Plet
Sound Sound Designer
Claude Poujol
Claude Poujol
Patrick Martinache
Patrick Martinache
Sound Engineer
Hervé Le Coz
Hervé Le Coz
Assistant Sound Engineer
Christophe Couget-Moreno
Christophe Couget-Moreno
Anne-Laure François
Anne-Laure François
Laurent Schutz
Laurent Schutz
Sébastien Wera
Sébastien Wera
Martin Meissonnier
Martin Meissonnier
Crew Script
Agnès Aujaleu
Agnès Aujaleu
Delphine Berger Cogniard
Delphine Berger Cogniard
Muriel Du Boisberranger
Muriel Du Boisberranger
Véronique Digoutte
Véronique Digoutte
Jeanne Gottesdiener
Jeanne Gottesdiener
Breda Kozar
Breda Kozar
Angela Romboni
Angela Romboni
Sylvain Rousseau
Sylvain Rousseau
Documentation & Support
Isabelle Kuentz
Isabelle Kuentz
Sabine Lucas
Sabine Lucas
Vanvisa Thephsouvanh
Vanvisa Thephsouvanh
Production Artist
Yves Le Rolland
Yves Le Rolland
Art Decorator
Philippe Desert
Philippe Desert
Production Executive Producer
Christine Escudie
Christine Escudie
Executive Producer's Assistant
Béatrice Prudhomme
Béatrice Prudhomme
Dominique Chaze
Dominique Chaze
Odile Rouyer
Odile Rouyer
Frédéréic Ballay
Frédéréic Ballay
Editing Editor
Nicolas Le Du
Nicolas Le Du
Department Role Name

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