Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 8
Release Date: Jun 30, 2006
Rating: 2006-06-30
Run Time: 3h 14m
Original Language: French
Website: -
Production Countries: France
Production Companies: StudioCanal
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Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Author |
Lionel Dutemple
Bruno Gaccio
Ahmed Hamidi
Julien Hervé
Yvan Longuet
Laurent Vassilian
Ludovic Bruneau
Directing | Stage Director |
Yves Le Rolland
Christophe Smith
Sylvain Fusée
Director |
Jean-Louis Cap
Rebecca Dreymann
Natacha Fitoussi
Pascal Rétif
Don Kent
Patrick Menais
Camera | Director of Photography |
Jacques Audrain
Ali Saad
Bertrand Martory
Sophie Limeul
Jean-Louis Rousseaux
Alain Masseron
François Plet
Sound | Sound Designer |
Claude Poujol
Patrick Martinache
Sound Engineer |
Hervé Le Coz
Assistant Sound Engineer |
Christophe Couget-Moreno
Anne-Laure François
Laurent Schutz
Sébastien Wera
Music |
Martin Meissonnier
Crew | Script |
Agnès Aujaleu
Delphine Berger Cogniard
Muriel Du Boisberranger
Véronique Digoutte
Jeanne Gottesdiener
Breda Kozar
Angela Romboni
Sylvain Rousseau
Documentation & Support |
Isabelle Kuentz
Sabine Lucas
Vanvisa Thephsouvanh
Production Artist |
Yves Le Rolland
Art | Decorator |
Philippe Desert
Production | Executive Producer |
Christine Escudie
Executive Producer's Assistant |
Béatrice Prudhomme
Dominique Chaze
Odile Rouyer
Frédéréic Ballay
Editing | Editor |
Nicolas Le Du
Department | Role | Name |
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