Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
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Status: Released
Average Rating: 8
Release Date: Nov 30, 2005
Rating: 2005-11-30
Run Time: 3h 14m
Original Language: French
Website: -
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A program of short films from some of the cinema's greatest diectors. Curated by Emir Kusturica and Stephen Frears. - George Lucas "1.42.08 to Qualify" (1966) - Ridley Scott "A Boy and a Bicycle" (1965) - Robert Zemeckis "The Lift" (1972) - Tony Scott "One of the Missing" (1969) - Emir Kusturica "Guernica" (1978) - Luc Besson "L'avant dernier" (1981) - Lars von Trier "Nocturne" (1980) - Terry Gilliam "Storytime" (1968) - Paul Verhoeven "A Lizzard Too Much" (1960) - Roman Polanski "Le gros et le maigre" (1960) - Jane Campion "Peel" (1982) - Stephen Frears "The Burning" (1967)
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Tony Scott
Roman Polanski
Luc Besson
Emir Kusturica
Ridley Scott
George Lucas
Terry Gilliam
Jane Campion
Stephen Frears
Paul Verhoeven
Lars von Trier
Robert Zemeckis
Department | Role | Name |