
TMDB Rating 6.6
IMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 19, 1962

Rating: 1962-12-19

Run Time: 1h 44m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries:

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Antoine Rossi, a recidivist prisoner of war in Germany, manages to escape with the cowardly Fendard. Fendard does everything in his power to help him even though he is wounded, but Antoine tries to get rid of him as he boards the train to freedom.

Main Cast

Étienne Bierry

Étienne Bierry

Schmidt, le chef de barraque des culottes rouges

Age : 96 | Popularity : 9%

Teddy Bilis

Teddy Bilis

Le curé

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Jacques Balutin

Jacques Balutin

Un chanteur de la troupe

Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Antoine Bourseiller

Antoine Bourseiller

Le metteur en scène

Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%

Rudy Lenoir

Rudy Lenoir

Le caporal Allemand (qui compte les Corses)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Marcel Gassouk

Marcel Gassouk

Un prisonnier

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Henri Poirier

Henri Poirier

Un prisonnier

Age : 72 | Popularity : 35%

Laurent Terzieff

Laurent Terzieff

Antoine Rossi, le "culotte rouge"

Age : 75 | Popularity : 18%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Alex Joffé
Alex Joffé
Assistant Director
Claude Clément
Claude Clément
Francis Girool
Francis Girool
Marcel Ugols
Marcel Ugols
Script Supervisor
Denise Morlot
Denise Morlot
Writing Screenplay
Alex Joffé
Alex Joffé
Pierre Lévy-Corti
Pierre Lévy-Corti
Étienne Bierry
Étienne Bierry
Pierre Lévy-Corti
Pierre Lévy-Corti
Production General Manager
Jean Pieuchot
Jean Pieuchot
Robert Dorfmann
Robert Dorfmann
Camera First Assistant Camera
Yves Rodallec
Yves Rodallec
Director of Photography
Jean Penzer
Jean Penzer
Assistant Camera
Yves Rodallec
Yves Rodallec
Still Photographer
Liliane de Kermadec
Liliane de Kermadec
Camera Operator
Billy Vilerbue
Billy Vilerbue
Editing Editorial Manager
Éric Pluet
Éric Pluet
Éric Pluet
Éric Pluet
Assistant Editor
Hadassa Misrahi
Hadassa Misrahi
Art Production Design
Georges Lévy
Georges Lévy
Set Decoration
Georges Lévy
Georges Lévy
Sound Original Music Composer
Jean Marion
Jean Marion
Department Role Name

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