
TMDB Rating 4.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $1,008,772

Profit: - $-1,008,772

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Jan 27, 2011

Rating: 2011-01-27

Run Time: 1h 58m

Original Language: Estonian

Website: -

Production Countries: Estonia , Finland , Latvia , Mauritania

Production Companies: Frame Productions , F-Seitse




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A man sent to Afghanistan years earlier converts to Islam, then returns home to fight a different kind of war.

Main Cast

Tõnu Oja

Tõnu Oja

Jeremia Juunas Kirotaja

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Ragne Pekarev

Ragne Pekarev


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Ketter Habakukk

Ketter Habakukk


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Tiina Tauraite

Tiina Tauraite


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Mirtel Pohla

Mirtel Pohla


Age : 43 | Popularity : 25%

Katariina Unt

Katariina Unt

Hildegard Vilt

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Alina Karmazina

Alina Karmazina


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Mari-Liis Lill

Mari-Liis Lill


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Sulev Keedus
Sulev Keedus
First Assistant Director
Salme-Riine Uibo
Salme-Riine Uibo
Second Assistant Director
Hiie Fluss
Hiie Fluss
Jette Keedus
Jette Keedus
Writing Writer
Sulev Keedus
Sulev Keedus
Madis Kõiv
Madis Kõiv
Production Producer
Kaie-Ene Rääk
Kaie-Ene Rääk
Olli Soinio
Olli Soinio
Executive Producer
Peep Viljamäe
Peep Viljamäe
Sound Music
Helena Tulve
Helena Tulve
Boom Operator
Kristian Miilen
Kristian Miilen
Heikki Kossi
Heikki Kossi
Sound Designer
Ivo Felt
Ivo Felt
Sound Recordist
Pekka Karjalainen
Pekka Karjalainen
Sound Editor
Seppo Vanhatalo
Seppo Vanhatalo
Camera Director of Photography
Rein Kotov
Rein Kotov
Maksim Podolski
Maksim Podolski
Focus Puller
Roland Adamson
Roland Adamson
Editing Editor
Kaie-Ene Rääk
Kaie-Ene Rääk
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Elo Soode
Elo Soode
Makeup Artist
Tiina Leesik
Tiina Leesik
Siiri Lauri
Siiri Lauri
Kristina Lõuk
Kristina Lõuk
Art Production Design
Toomas Hõrak
Toomas Hõrak
Assistant Art Director
Eva-Maria Gramakovski
Eva-Maria Gramakovski
Property Master
Sirly Oder
Sirly Oder
Lighting Gaffer
Taivo Tenso
Taivo Tenso
Lighting Technician
Alvar Kõue
Alvar Kõue
Heiko Sikka
Heiko Sikka
Alis Mäesalu
Alis Mäesalu
Crew Stunts
Andres Mirme
Andres Mirme
Roman Neso Laupmaa
Roman Neso Laupmaa
Kaja Kann
Kaja Kann
Eero Druus
Eero Druus
Kristopher Kuusk
Kristopher Kuusk
Stunt Coordinator
Enar Tarmo
Enar Tarmo
Armin Altorf
Armin Altorf
Department Role Name

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