Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: the urban entity versus the passion for the land
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: May 17, 1931
Rating: 1931-05-17
Run Time: 2h 00m
Original Language: Portuguese
Website: Link
Production Countries: Brazil
Production Companies: Cinédia
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Adrift in the vast expanse of the ocean, a solitary boat carries three castaways—a man and two women. Stranded and devoid of any glimmer of rescue, they find solace in recounting the tales of their lives to one another. As they delve into their personal narratives, reminiscing about the circumstances that led them to this desolate predicament, they navigate through the depths of three distinct destinies. Bound by the confines of their shared space, every aspect of their existence becomes a boundary, underscoring their plight.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Editing | Editor |
Mário Peixoto
Directing | Director |
Mário Peixoto
Assistant Director |
Brutus Pedreira
Ruy Costa
Writing | Writer |
Mário Peixoto
Art | Assistant Director of Photography |
Ruy Santos
Sound | Music |
Erik Satie
Camera | Director of Photography |
Edgar Brasil
Production | Producer |
Mário Peixoto
Department | Role | Name |