

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

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Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Mar 24, 1993

Rating: 1993-03-24

Run Time: 1h 21m

Original Language: Arabic

Website: -

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(Ghraib) recounts the entire march of his life, which intersects with the fortunes of the city of Suez over two centuries through the tripartite aggression and the defeat of 1967, where he remembers the circumstances in which his parents met and the death of his father when he was a member of the popular resistance at the time of the triple aggression To study and work at the printing press with Al-Asi (Salah), the owner of the house where Gharib lives with his mother, and a stranger to Mahmoud, whose father is in the Popular Resistance.

Main Cast

Mervat Amin

Mervat Amin


Age : 76 | Popularity : 49%

Salah El-Saadany

Salah El-Saadany


Age : N/A | Popularity : 34%

Ragaa Hussein

Ragaa Hussein


Age : 87 | Popularity : 15%

Sayed Ragab

Sayed Ragab

The Wizard

Age : N/A | Popularity : 25%

Seif Abdelrahman

Seif Abdelrahman


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%


No Crew Added For This Movie Yet.

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