
TMDB Rating 4.9


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Sep 16, 1960

Rating: 1960-10-10

Run Time: 2h 23m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: France

Production Companies: Les Films Metzger et Woog , Paris Élysée Film , Unidex




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The seven stages in the life of the modern Frenchwomen are disclosed by seven directors in a witty way: 1 - Childhood, 2 - Adolescence, 3 - Virginity, 4 - Marriage, 5 - Adultery, 6 - Divorce, 7 - The Single Woman.

Main Cast

Jacqueline Porel

Jacqueline Porel

Mme Bazouche, la concierge (L'Enfance)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Darry Cowl

Darry Cowl

Le professeur Dufieux (L'Enfance)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Micheline Dax

Micheline Dax

Lulu, locataire et travailleuse du trottoir (L'Enfance)

Age : 90 | Popularity : 14%

Paulette Dubost

Paulette Dubost

Mme Tronche, une locataire (L'Enfance)

Age : 100 | Popularity : 26%

Jacques Duby

Jacques Duby

Victor, l'amoureux d'une locataire (L'Enfance)

Age : 89 | Popularity : 20%

Pierre-Jean Vaillard

Pierre-Jean Vaillard

M. Bazouche, agent de police (L'Enfance)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Noël Roquevert

Noël Roquevert

Le colonel Chappe, un locataire (L'Enfance)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 22%

Marline Lambert

Marline Lambert

Gisèle, la petite fille (L'Enfance)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Camera Director of Photography
Robert Lefebvre
Robert Lefebvre
Camera Operator
Roger Delpuech
Roger Delpuech
Set Photographer
Walter Limot
Walter Limot
First Assistant Camera
Gaston Muller
Gaston Muller
Second Assistant Camera
Valéry Iwanow
Valéry Iwanow
Directing Director
Michel Boisrond
Michel Boisrond
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Henri Verneuil
Henri Verneuil
René Clair
René Clair
Jean Delannoy
Jean Delannoy
Henri Decoin
Henri Decoin
Assistant Director
Claude Him
Claude Him
Pierre Pelegri
Pierre Pelegri
Alain Baudet
Alain Baudet
Maud Linder
Maud Linder
Raymond Villette
Raymond Villette
Pierre Blondy
Pierre Blondy
Alain Gouze
Alain Gouze
Jean Becker
Jean Becker
Writing Writer
Félicien Marceau
Félicien Marceau
Annette Wademant
Annette Wademant
Jacques Robert
Jacques Robert
Michel Audiard
Michel Audiard
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
France Roche
France Roche
Charles Spaak
Charles Spaak
René Clair
René Clair
Louise de Vilmorin
Louise de Vilmorin
Jacques Rémy
Jacques Rémy
Robert Woog
Robert Woog
Marcel Aymé
Marcel Aymé
Jacques Robert
Jacques Robert
René Clair
René Clair
Charles Spaak
Charles Spaak
Annette Wademant
Annette Wademant
Michel Audiard
Michel Audiard
Louise de Vilmorin
Louise de Vilmorin
Félicien Marceau
Félicien Marceau
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Annette Wademant
Annette Wademant
Sound Original Music Composer
Norbert Glanzberg
Norbert Glanzberg
Jacques Météhen
Jacques Météhen
Henri Crolla
Henri Crolla
Jean Constantin
Jean Constantin
Paul Misraki
Paul Misraki
Joseph Kosma
Joseph Kosma
Georges Delerue
Georges Delerue
Sound Engineer
Jacques Lebreton
Jacques Lebreton
Sound Recordist
Jean Bareille
Jean Bareille
Boom Operator
Guy Maillet
Guy Maillet
Production Producer
Robert Woog
Robert Woog
Production Director
Hugo Benedek
Hugo Benedek
General Manager
Paul Dufour
Paul Dufour
Visual Effects Animation
Jean Jabely
Jean Jabely
Costume & Make-Up Key Makeup Artist
Pierre Berroyer
Pierre Berroyer
Odette Berroyer
Odette Berroyer
Art Art Direction
Jacques Rémy
Jacques Rémy
Head Decorator
Lucien Aguettand
Lucien Aguettand
Set Decoration
Louis Germain
Louis Germain
Assistant Decorator
Alexandre Hinkis
Alexandre Hinkis
Jacques Dugris
Jacques Dugris
Robert Guy
Robert Guy
Editing Assistant Editor
Renée Deschamps
Renée Deschamps
Borys Levine
Borys Levine
Henri Taverna
Henri Taverna
Claude Durand
Claude Durand
Louisette Hautecœur
Louisette Hautecœur
Jacques Desagneaux
Jacques Desagneaux
Emma Le Chanois
Emma Le Chanois
Crew Script
Annie Rozier
Annie Rozier
Claude Vériat
Claude Vériat
Simone Boudarias
Simone Boudarias
Jeanne Vilardelo
Jeanne Vilardelo
Department Role Name

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