Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: Lulu loves Henrik. There's not a doubt in her mind.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 5
Release Date: Sep 10, 2014
Rating: 2014-04-01
Run Time: 12h 40m
Original Language: Danish
Website: -
Production Countries: Denmark , France
Production Companies: Flexus Films , SF Studios
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Henrik and his younger lover Lulu go on an intimate trip to France. Unexpectedly, Henrik's son, David, arrives.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Co-Producer |
Sophie Heurzeau
Gaëlle Mareschi
Production Manager |
Eric Martin
Development Producer |
Signe Leick Jensen
Line Producer |
Rasmus Kastberg
Karin Trolle
Production Accountant |
Hanne Agersnap Hamann
Heidi Larsen
Executive Producer |
Michael Fleischer
Karoline Leth
Producer |
Birgitte Skov
Production Assistant |
Lina Flint
Jakob Langkjær
Location Manager |
Neil Moriceau
Administration |
Marire-Hélène Zahra
Casting |
Gro Therp
Extras Casting Coordinator |
Sofia El Idrissi El Yacoubi
Post Production Coordinator |
Mette Tornbjerg
Lise Orheim Stender
Casting Director |
Jeanette Klintberg
Editing | Editor |
Nanna Frank Møller
Colorist |
Peter Diemar
Editorial Production Assistant |
Sofus Peder Faber Laursen
Tine Rønde Jensen
Editorial Consultant |
Åsa Mossberg
Directing | Director |
Caroline Sascha Cogez
Assistant Director |
Bjørn Kopp
Sound | Sound Editor |
Andreas Kongsgaard
Sound Recordist |
Pablo Salaün
Sound Designer |
Jakob Garfield-Havsteen
Vocals |
Adele Jacques
Kathrine Mills Rymer
Music |
Mads Heldtberg
Boom Operator |
Agnès Szabó
Crew | Intern |
Heidi Larsen
Tilde Langholz
Morgane Peron
Ditte von Fintel
Liva Prescott
Asen Severinov
Adrien Givois
Claire Beaume
Kevin Lopez
Romain Pellet
Elodie Philippon
Andreas Feldfos Bargmann
Jessica Costanzo
Translator |
Mirjam Egeris Karstoft
Anne Sophie Bosc
Malin Waak
Creative Consultant |
Anna Treiman
Catering |
Sarl Le Bouchon
Legal Services |
Mikkel Maltha
Floor Runner |
Nicolas Porte
Visual Effects | Visual Effects Coordinator |
Maggie W. Hansen
Visual Effects |
Rasmus K. Toftlund
Signe Baasch
Lasse Strøm
VFX Artist |
Morten Skytte
Camilla Nilsson
Art | Location Scout |
Olivier Fernandez
Nicolas Porte
Props |
Camille Fernandez-Desandes
Property Master |
Chloé Zobel
Set Decoration |
Marco Melaragni
Lighting | Best Boy Electric |
Julien Olivari
Lighting Production Assistant |
Thibault Demond
Gaffer |
Rasmus K. Toftlund
Writing | Writer |
Caroline Sascha Cogez
Tone Mygind Rostbøll
Costume & Make-Up | Hair Setup |
Anne Cathrine Sauerberg
Makeup Artist |
Maëla Gervais
Louise Bruun
Costume Designer |
Lila Cousin
Gabi Humnicki
Camera | Camera Operator |
Thomas Rames
Focus Puller |
Gitte Gammelgaard
Director of Photography |
Magnus Nordenhof Jønck
Department | Role | Name |