
TMDB Rating 3.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Mar 5, 1987

Rating: 1987-03-05

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: Japanese

Website: -

Production Countries: Japan

Production Companies: Anime International Company , Bandai Visual , Seion Studio , Studio Boston




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Once upon a time, there was a certain family having strong influence on the rule of the Imperial Court. They had their own might called “Kidou,” and yet got hated because of the might itself. At last, the patriarch of the family was entrapped to his death, and all the family was doomed to ruin... The present day — the survived descendants of this family, now calling themselves “Kidousyuu,” schemed to resurrect their murdered patriarch once again, and the ferocious evil spell went into action.

Main Cast

Tessyo Genda

Tessyo Genda

Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%

Chikao Ohtsuka

Chikao Ohtsuka

Age : N/A | Popularity : 25%

Katsuji Mori

Katsuji Mori

Age : N/A | Popularity : 43%

Rumiko Ukai

Rumiko Ukai

Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%

Sakiko Tamagawa

Sakiko Tamagawa

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Shuichi Ikeda

Shuichi Ikeda

Age : N/A | Popularity : 97%

Toshihiko Seki

Toshihiko Seki

Age : N/A | Popularity : 37%

Atsushi Anbe

Atsushi Anbe

Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Assistant Director
Toshiyuki Sakurai
Toshiyuki Sakurai
Tatsuya Okamoto
Tatsuya Okamoto
Tomokazu Kougo
Tomokazu Kougo
Crew Creator
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Junichi Watanabe
Junichi Watanabe
Noboru Aikawa
Noboru Aikawa
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Visual Effects Animation Director
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Naoyuki Onda
Naoyuki Onda
Character Designer
Naoyuki Onda
Naoyuki Onda
Creature Design
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Sound Sound Director
Akira Yamazaki
Akira Yamazaki
Kanji Fukunaga
Kanji Fukunaga
Norimasa Yamanaka
Norimasa Yamanaka
Writing Storyboard
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Tatsuya Okamoto
Tatsuya Okamoto
Tomokazu Kougo
Tomokazu Kougo
Hiroaki Oogami
Hiroaki Oogami
Art Art Direction
Yoichi Nangoo
Yoichi Nangoo
Storyboard Artist
Akira Nishimori
Akira Nishimori
Camera Director of Photography
Takafumi Arai
Takafumi Arai
Akihiko Takahashi
Akihiko Takahashi
Production Producer
Takao Asaga
Takao Asaga
Shuji Uchiyama
Shuji Uchiyama
Department Role Name

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